Interface SessionEntityUpdater<T>

Type Parameters:
T - The entity type.

public interface SessionEntityUpdater<T>
An updated interface for Infinispan cache.

When the entity is changed, the new entity must be written (or removed) into the Infinispan cache. The methods onEntityUpdated() and onEntityRemoved() signals the entity has changed.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Signals that the entity was removed, and the Infinispan cache needs to be updated.
    Signals that the entity was updated, and the Infinispan cache needs to be updated.
  • Method Details

    • getEntity

      T getEntity()
      The entity tracked by this SessionEntityUpdater. It does not fetch the value from the Infinispan cache and uses a local copy.
    • onEntityUpdated

      void onEntityUpdated()
      Signals that the entity was updated, and the Infinispan cache needs to be updated.
    • onEntityRemoved

      void onEntityRemoved()
      Signals that the entity was removed, and the Infinispan cache needs to be updated.