Class ConditionalOtpFormAuthenticator

All Implemented Interfaces:
Authenticator, CredentialValidator<OTPCredentialProvider>, Provider

public class ConditionalOtpFormAuthenticator extends OTPFormAuthenticator
An OTPFormAuthenticator that can conditionally require OTP authentication.

The decision for whether or not to require OTP authentication can be made based on multiple conditions which are evaluated in the following order. The first matching condition determines the outcome.

  1. User Attribute
  2. Role
  3. Request Header
  4. Configured Default

If no condition matches, the ConditionalOtpFormAuthenticator fallback is to require OTP authentication.

User Attribute

A User Attribute like otp_auth can be used to control OTP authentication on individual user level. The supported values are skip and force. If the value is set to skip then the OTP auth is skipped for the user, otherwise if the value is force then the OTP auth is enforced. The setting is ignored for any other value.


A role can be used to control the OTP authentication. If the user has the specified skip OTP role then OTP authentication is skipped for the user. If the user has the specified force OTP role, then the OTP authentication is required for the user. If not configured, e.g. if no role is selected, then this setting is ignored.

Request Header

Request Headers are matched via regex Patterns and can be specified as a whitelist and blacklist. No OTP for Header specifies the pattern for which OTP authentication is not required. This can be used to specify trusted networks, e.g. via: X-Forwarded-Host: (| where The IPs, denote trusted machines. Force OTP for Header specifies the pattern for which OTP authentication is required. Whitelist entries take precedence before blacklist entries.

Configured Default

A default fall-though behaviour can be specified to handle cases where all previous conditions did not lead to a conclusion. An OTP authentication is required in case no default is configured.

Thomas Darimont
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ConditionalOtpFormAuthenticator

      public ConditionalOtpFormAuthenticator()
  • Method Details

    • authenticate

      public void authenticate(AuthenticationFlowContext context)
      Description copied from interface: Authenticator
      Initial call for the authenticator. This method should check the current HTTP request to determine if the request satisfies the Authenticator's requirements. If it doesn't, it should send back a challenge response by calling the AuthenticationFlowContext.challenge(Response). If this challenge is a authentication, the action URL of the form must point to /realms/{realm}/login-actions/authenticate?code={session-code}&execution={executionId} or /realms/{realm}/login-actions/registration?code={session-code}&execution={executionId} {session-code} pertains to the code generated from AuthenticationFlowContext.generateAccessCode(). The {executionId} pertains to the AuthenticationExecutionModel.getId() value obtained from AuthenticationFlowContext.getExecution(). The action URL will invoke the action() method described below.
      Specified by:
      authenticate in interface Authenticator
      authenticate in class OTPFormAuthenticator
    • setRequiredActions

      public void setRequiredActions(KeycloakSession session, RealmModel realm, UserModel user)
      Description copied from interface: Authenticator
      Set actions to configure authenticator
      Specified by:
      setRequiredActions in interface Authenticator
      setRequiredActions in class OTPFormAuthenticator