Interface Cors

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public interface Cors extends Provider
Stian Thorgersen
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • builder

      static Cors builder()
    • builder

      Cors builder( builder)
    • preflight

      Cors preflight()
    • auth

      Cors auth()
    • allowAllOrigins

      Cors allowAllOrigins()
    • allowedOrigins

      Cors allowedOrigins(KeycloakSession session, ClientModel client)
    • allowedOrigins

      Cors allowedOrigins(AccessToken token)
    • allowedOrigins

      Cors allowedOrigins(String... allowedOrigins)
    • allowedMethods

      Cors allowedMethods(String... allowedMethods)
    • exposedHeaders

      Cors exposedHeaders(String... exposedHeaders)
    • add

      void add()
      Add the CORS headers to the current HttpResponse.
    • add

      default add( builder)

      Add the CORS headers to the current server HttpResponse and returns a Response based on the given builder.

      This is a convenient method to make it easier to return a Response from methods while at the same time adding the corresponding CORS headers to the underlying server response.

      builder - the response builder
      the response built from the response builder