Interface TreeNode<Self extends TreeNode<? extends Self>>

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultTreeNode, ModelCriteriaNode, TreeStorageNodeInstance, TreeStorageNodePrescription

public interface TreeNode<Self extends TreeNode<? extends Self>>
Interface representing a node in a tree that has ID.

Think twice when adding a method here: if added method does not operate purely on nodes or a generic tree, it does not belong here.

  • Method Details

    • addChild

      void addChild(Self node)
      Adds a node as a child of this node, and sets the parent of the node to this node.
      node - Future child node. If null or the node is already amongst the children list, no action is done.
    • addChild

      void addChild(int index, Self node)
      Adds a node as a child of this node, and sets the parent of the node to this node.
      index - Index at which the specified element is to be inserted
      node - Future child node. If null or the node is already amongst the children list, no action is done.
    • getChild

      Optional<Self> getChild(String id)
      Returns a node by ID. If there are more nodes with the same ID, any node from those may be returned.
      id -
    • getChildren

      List<Self> getChildren()
      Returns the children of the current node. Order does matter.
      Read-only list of the children. Never returns null.
    • getEdgeProperties

      Map<String,Object> getEdgeProperties()
      Parent-to-this-node edge properties. For example, import/no-import mode or sync mode belongs here.
      Returns properties of the edge from the parent to this node. Never returns null.
    • getEdgeProperty

      <V> Optional<V> getEdgeProperty(String key, Class<V> clazz)
      Convenience method for obtaining a single parent-to-this-node edge property.
      Type Parameters:
      V -
      key -
      clazz -
      Optional with a property value if it exists. Never returns null
    • getId

      String getId()
      Returns ID of the node, which could match e.g. ID of the component with storage definition.
      Node ID
    • getNodeProperties

      Map<String,Object> getNodeProperties()
      Properties of the this node. In storage context, properties of the single map storage represented by this node, for example read-only/read-write flag.
      Returns properties of the storage managed in this node. Never returns null.
    • getNodeProperty

      <V> Optional<V> getNodeProperty(String key, Class<V> clazz)
      Convenience method for obtaining a single property of this node.
      Type Parameters:
      V -
      key -
      clazz -
      Optional with a property value if it exists. Never returns null
    • getTreeProperties

      Map<String,Object> getTreeProperties()
      Properties of the whole tree. For example, kind of the stored objects, e.g. realms or clients.
      Returns properties of the tree that contains in this node. Never returns null.
    • getTreeProperty

      <V> Optional<V> getTreeProperty(String key, Class<V> clazz)
      Convenience method for obtaining a single property of tree that this node belongs to.
      Type Parameters:
      V -
      key -
      clazz -
      Optional with a property value if it exists. Never returns null
    • removeChild

      Optional<Self> removeChild(Self node)
      Removes the given child node.
      node - Node to remove
      Removed node
    • removeChild

      int removeChild(Predicate<Self> shouldRemove)
      Removes child nodes satisfying the given predicate.
      node - Predicate on node returning true for each node that should be removed
      Number of removed nodes
    • getParent

      Optional<Self> getParent()
      Returns parent node or an empty Optional if this node is a root node.
      See description. Never returns null.
    • setParent

      void setParent(Self parent)
      Sets the parent node to the given parent. If this node was a child of another node, also removes this node from the children of the previous parent.
      parent - New parent node or null if this node should be parentless.
    • findFirstDfs

      Optional<Self> findFirstDfs(Predicate<Self> visitor)
      Depth-first search for a node.
      visitor - Predicate on nodes, returns true when a search condition is satisfied which terminates the search.
      Leftmost first node that matches the predicate, null when no node matches.
    • findFirstBottommostDfs

      Optional<Self> findFirstBottommostDfs(Predicate<Self> visitor)
      Depth-first search for a node that is bottommost from those matching DFS.
      visitor - Predicate on nodes, returns true when a search condition is satisfied which terminates the search.
      Leftmost and bottommost node that matches the predicate, null when no node matches.
    • findFirstBfs

      Optional<Self> findFirstBfs(Predicate<Self> visitor)
      Breadth-first search for a node.
      visitor - Predicate on nodes, returns true when a search condition is satisfied which terminates the search.
      First node that matches the predicate, null when no node matches.
    • getPathToRoot

      List<Self> getPathToRoot(TreeNode.PathOrientation orientation)
      Returns the path (list of nodes) from this node to root node.
      orientation - Determines order of the nodes in the returned list - either this node is first and the root node is last, (TreeNode.PathOrientation.BOTTOM_FIRST) or vice versa (TreeNode.PathOrientation.TOP_FIRST).
    • getParentsStream

      Stream<Self> getParentsStream()
      Returns a stream of the nodes laying on the path from this node (exclusive) to the root of the tree (inclusive).
    • forEachParent

      void forEachParent(Consumer<Self> visitor)
      Calls the given visitor on each node laying on the path from this node (exclusive) to the root of the tree (inclusive).
      visitor -
    • walkDfs

      void walkDfs(Consumer<Self> visitorUponEntry, Consumer<Self> visitorAfterChildrenVisited)
      Walks the tree with the given visitor in depth-first search manner.
      visitorUponEntry - Visitor called upon entry of the node. May be null, in that case no action is performed.
      visitorAfterChildrenVisited - Visitor called before exit of the node. May be null, in that case no action is performed.
    • walkBfs

      void walkBfs(Consumer<Self> visitor)
      Walks the tree with the given visitor in breadth-first search manner.
      visitor -