Interface Policy

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractPolicyModel, MapPolicyAdapter, PolicyAdapter, PolicyAdapter

public interface Policy
Represents an authorization policy and all the configuration associated with it.
Pedro Igor
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getId

      String getId()
      Returns the unique identifier for this instance.
      the unique identifier for this instance
    • getType

      String getType()
      Returns the type of this policy.
      the type of this policy
    • getDecisionStrategy

      DecisionStrategy getDecisionStrategy()
      Returns the DecisionStrategy for this policy.
      the decision strategy defined for this policy
    • setDecisionStrategy

      void setDecisionStrategy(DecisionStrategy decisionStrategy)
      Sets the {DecisionStrategy} for this policy.
      decisionStrategy - for this policy
    • getLogic

      Logic getLogic()
      Returns the Logic for this policy.
      the decision strategy defined for this policy
    • setLogic

      void setLogic(Logic logic)
      Sets the {Logic} for this policy.
      logic - for this policy
    • getConfig

      Map<String,String> getConfig()
      Returns a Map holding string-based key/value pairs representing any additional configuration for this policy.
      a unmodifiable map with any additional configuration defined for this policy.
    • setConfig

      void setConfig(Map<String,String> config)
      Sets a Map with string-based key/value pairs representing any additional configuration for this policy.
      config - a map with any additional configuration for this policy.
    • removeConfig

      void removeConfig(String name)
    • putConfig

      void putConfig(String name, String value)
    • getName

      String getName()
      Returns the name of this policy.
      the name of this policy
    • setName

      void setName(String name)
      Sets an unique name to this policy.
      name - an unique name
    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
      Returns the description of this policy.
      a description or null of there is no description
    • setDescription

      void setDescription(String description)
      Sets the description for this policy.
      description - a description
    • getResourceServer

      ResourceServer getResourceServer()
      Returns the ResourceServer where this policy belongs to.
      a resource server
    • getAssociatedPolicies

      Set<Policy> getAssociatedPolicies()
      Returns the Policy instances associated with this policy and used to evaluate authorization decisions when this policy applies.
      the associated policies or an empty set if no policy is associated with this policy
    • getResources

      Set<Resource> getResources()
      Returns the Resource instances where this policy applies.
      a set with all resource instances where this policy applies. Or an empty set if there is no resource associated with this policy
    • getScopes

      Set<Scope> getScopes()
      Returns the Scope instances where this policy applies.
      a set with all scope instances where this policy applies. Or an empty set if there is no scope associated with this policy
    • getOwner

      String getOwner()
    • setOwner

      void setOwner(String owner)
    • addScope

      void addScope(Scope scope)
    • removeScope

      void removeScope(Scope scope)
    • addAssociatedPolicy

      void addAssociatedPolicy(Policy associatedPolicy)
    • removeAssociatedPolicy

      void removeAssociatedPolicy(Policy associatedPolicy)
    • addResource

      void addResource(Resource resource)
    • removeResource

      void removeResource(Resource resource)