Interface ResourceServerStore

All Known Implementing Classes:
JPAResourceServerStore, MapResourceServerStore, StoreFactoryCacheSession.ResourceServerCache

public interface ResourceServerStore
A ResourceServerStore is responsible to manage the persistence of ResourceServer instances.
Pedro Igor
  • Method Details

    • create

      ResourceServer create(ClientModel client)

      Creates a ResourceServer instance backed by this persistent storage implementation.

      client - the client acting as a resource server. Cannot be null.
      an instance backed by the underlying storage implementation
    • delete

      void delete(ClientModel client)
      Removes a ResourceServer instance, with the given client from the persistent storage.
      client - the client acting as a resource server. Cannot be null.
    • findById

      ResourceServer findById(RealmModel realm, String id)
      Returns a ResourceServer instance based on its identifier.
      realm - the realm. Cannot be null.
      id - the identifier of an existing resource server instance
      the resource server instance with the given identifier or null if no instance was found
    • findByClient

      ResourceServer findByClient(ClientModel client)
      Returns a ResourceServer instance based on a client.
      client - the client acting as a resource server. Cannot be null.
      the resource server instance or null if no instance was found