Security Charter


The Keycloak Security Taskforce is committed to enhancing the security of the Keycloak project through continuous improvement of documentation, code, and processes. Our core responsibilities include:


Keycloak Security Response Team

A dedicated subset of maintainers actively involved in triaging new issues and coordinating with Resolution Teams. The Response Team has full access to all CVEs reported to the project and can add or remove members from Resolution Teams as necessary.

Member Nomination Process



Rotating Shifts

Keycloak Security Resolution Team

Teams are composed of permanent members who coordinate fixes and temporary members who actively triage or resolve open CVEs. Temporary members are added when they engage with a vulnerability and removed once their involvement concludes. This setup allows experienced coordinators to oversee the resolution process while bringing in the right people whenever needed.



Resource Response Team Fix Coordinators Resolution Team
Mailing list Full access Full access Added in CC to specific threads
Private GitHub repository Full access Full access Temporary access
Security advisories and alerts Full access Full access No access
Slack channel (#alerts-keycloak-cve) Full access Full access Temporary access

Coordinating a Security Vulnerability Fix

Process Overview

  1. A new vulnerability is reported to the Keycloak security mailing list.
  2. The vulnerability report is triaged.
  3. A CVE ID is assigned.
  4. The Response Team identifies the responsible group (e.g., Team A with members Noah and Emma).
  5. Team A submits the fix to the private repository and includes domain experts for review.
  6. Team A informs QE and releases coordinators about the forthcoming patch.
  7. The pull request is merged, and a new release is issued along with official advisories.

In the absence of CVEs to fix, all team members will have their access revoked to security-sensitive channels except for the Keycloak Security Response Team.

This charter outlines the approach the Keycloak project takes to manage and mitigate security vulnerabilities, ensuring the integrity and reliability of the project for all users.