Bring site online

This guide describes how to bring a site online so that it can process client requests.

When to use this procedure

This procedure describes how to re-add a Keycloak site to the Global Accelerator, after it has previously been taken offline, so that it can once again service client requests.


Follow these steps to re-add a Keycloak site to the AWS Global Accelerator so that it can handle client requests.

Global Accelerator

  1. Determine the ARN of the Network Load Balancer (NLB) associated with the site to be brought online

    NAMESPACE= (1)
    REGION= (2)
    HOSTNAME=$(kubectl -n $NAMESPACE get svc accelerator-loadbalancer --template="{{range .status.loadBalancer.ingress}}{{.hostname}}{{end}}")
    aws elbv2 describe-load-balancers \
      --query "LoadBalancers[?DNSName=='${HOSTNAME}'].LoadBalancerArn" \
      --region ${REGION} \
      --output text
    1 The Kubernetes namespace containing the Keycloak deployment
    2 The AWS Region hosting the Kubernetes cluster
  2. Update the Accelerator EndpointGroup to include both sites

    1. List the current endpoints in the Global Accelerator’s EndpointGroup

      ACCELERATOR_ARN=$(aws globalaccelerator list-accelerators \
        --query "Accelerators[?Name=='${ACCELERATOR_NAME}'].AcceleratorArn" \
        --region us-west-2 \ (2)
        --output text
      LISTENER_ARN=$(aws globalaccelerator list-listeners \
        --accelerator-arn ${ACCELERATOR_ARN} \
        --query "Listeners[*].ListenerArn" \
        --region us-west-2 \
        --output text
      aws globalaccelerator list-endpoint-groups \
        --listener-arn ${LISTENER_ARN} \
        --region us-west-2
      1 The name of the Accelerator to be updated
      2 The region must always be set to us-west-2 when querying AWS Global Accelerators
          "EndpointGroups": [
                  "EndpointGroupArn": "arn:aws:globalaccelerator::606671647913:accelerator/d280fc09-3057-4ab6-9330-6cbf1f450748/listener/8769072f/endpoint-group/a30b64ec1700",
                  "EndpointGroupRegion": "eu-west-1",
                  "EndpointDescriptions": [
                          "EndpointId": "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:eu-west-1:606671647913:loadbalancer/net/a3c75f239541c4a6e9c48cf8d48d602f/5ba333e87019ccf0",
                          "Weight": 128,
                          "HealthState": "HEALTHY",
                          "ClientIPPreservationEnabled": false
                  "TrafficDialPercentage": 100.0,
                  "HealthCheckPort": 443,
                  "HealthCheckProtocol": "TCP",
                  "HealthCheckIntervalSeconds": 30,
                  "ThresholdCount": 3
    2. Update the EndpointGroup to include the existing Endpoint and the NLB retrieved in step 1.

      aws globalaccelerator update-endpoint-group \
        --endpoint-group-arn arn:aws:globalaccelerator::606671647913:accelerator/d280fc09-3057-4ab6-9330-6cbf1f450748/listener/8769072f/endpoint-group/a30b64ec1700 \
        --region us-west-2 \
        --endpoint-configurations '
              "EndpointId": "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:eu-west-1:606671647913:loadbalancer/net/a3c75f239541c4a6e9c48cf8d48d602f/5ba333e87019ccf0",
              "Weight": 128,
              "ClientIPPreservationEnabled": false
              "EndpointId": "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:eu-west-1:606671647913:loadbalancer/net/a49e56e51e16843b9a3bc686327c907b/9b786f80ed4eba3d",
              "Weight": 128,
              "ClientIPPreservationEnabled": false
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