Keycloak Benchmark

The Keycloak Benchmark repository contains the necessary tools to run performance tests of a Keycloak server.

It has the following goals:

  1. Setup Keycloak for reproducible results.

  2. Run load tests against any Keycloak instance.

  3. Use an observability stack to analyze test runs.

The repository has multiple modules that can be used together or separately to achieve this:

  • The benchmark module contains load tests based on Gatling.

  • The provisioning module contains a more advanced Kubernetes setup based on minikube, and docker-compose scripts for a simpler setup. The setup for minikube contains a Grafana based observability stack while the docker-compose based setup doesn’t. It also contains examples on how to deploy it on OpenShift and Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS.

  • The dataset module contains a Keycloak add-on that can create entities in a Keycloak data store to prepare it for a load test.

Next steps

Continue to Getting started to set up an environment and run load tests.