Handles selective disclosure of elements within a top-level array claim,
supporting both visible and undisclosed elements.
Handles hash production for a decoy entry from the given salt.
Handles undisclosed claims and array elements, providing functionality
to generate disclosure digests from Base64Url encoded strings.
Manages the specification of undisclosed claims and array elements.
Handle verifiable credentials (SD-JWT VC), enabling the parsing
of existing VCs as well as the creation and signing of new ones.
Options for Issuer-signed JWT verification.
Handle jws, either the issuer jwt or the holder key binding jwt.
Main entry class for selective disclosure jwt (SD-JWT).
Represents a top level claim in the payload of a JWT.
Strong typing claim name to avoid parameter mismatch.
Strong typing salt to avoid parameter mismatch.
Handle verifiable credentials (SD-JWT VC), enabling the parsing
of existing VCs as well as the creation and signing of new ones.
Options for Issuer-signed JWT verification.
Handle verifiable credentials (SD-JWT VC), enabling the parsing
of existing VCs as well as the creation and signing of new ones.
Options for Issuer-signed JWT verification.
Handle jws, either the issuer jwt or the holder key binding jwt.
Runs SD-JWT verification in isolation with only essential properties.