Class LDCredentialSigner

All Implemented Interfaces:
CredentialSigner<VerifiableCredential>, Provider

public class LDCredentialSigner extends AbstractCredentialSigner<VerifiableCredential>
CredentialSigner implementing the JWT_VC format. It returns the signed JWT-Credential as a String.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • signCredential

      public VerifiableCredential signCredential(CredentialBody credentialBody, CredentialBuildConfig credentialBuildConfig) throws CredentialSignerException
      Description copied from interface: CredentialSigner
      Takes a verifiable credential and signs it according to the implementation. Depending on the type of the CredentialSigner, it will return a signed representation of the credential that be returned at the credential request endpoint.
      credentialBody - a partially built credential representation, awaiting to be signed
      credentialBuildConfig - additional configurations for building the credential
      a signed representation