Interface TracingProvider

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public interface TracingProvider extends Provider
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Marks the end of the current Span execution.
    error(Throwable exception)
    Records information about the Throwable to the Span, and set Span status to StatusCode.ERROR
    Returns the Span from the current Context, falling back to a default, no-op Span if there is no span in the current context.
    default io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Tracer
    Gets or creates a named Tracer instance.
    getTracer(String name, String scopeVersion)
    Gets or creates a named Tracer instance.
    startSpan(io.opentelemetry.api.trace.SpanBuilder builder)
    Same as startSpan(String, String), but the Span is created from your own SpanBuilder instance.
    default io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Span
    startSpan(Class<?> tracerClass, String spanSuffix)
    Same as startSpan(String, String), but you can start a Span that defines specific format for span name.
    startSpan(String tracerName, String spanName)
    Gets or creates a tracer instance, and starts a new Span.
    default void
    trace(Class<?> tracerClass, String spanSuffix, Consumer<io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Span> execution)
    Wrapper for code block execution which is traced and no need to manage the span lifecycle on our own.
    default <T> T
    trace(Class<?> tracerClass, String spanSuffix, Function<io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Span,T> execution)
    Wrapper for code block execution that returns a value, is traced and no need to manage the span lifecycle on our own.
    trace(String tracerName, String spanName, Consumer<io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Span> execution)
    Wrapper for code block execution which is traced and no need to manage the span lifecycle on our own.
    <T> T
    trace(String tracerName, String spanName, Function<io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Span,T> execution)
    Wrapper for code block execution which is traced and no need to manage the span lifecycle on our own.
    Validates whether all started Span instances were ended.

    Methods inherited from interface org.keycloak.provider.Provider

  • Method Details

    • getCurrentSpan

      io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Span getCurrentSpan()
      Returns the Span from the current Context, falling back to a default, no-op Span if there is no span in the current context.
    • startSpan

      io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Span startSpan(String tracerName, String spanName)
      Gets or creates a tracer instance, and starts a new Span.

      Span.end() must be manually called to end this Span, or use trace(String, String, Consumer) that handles it all

      Example of usage:

       class MyClass {
         private final TracingProvider tracing;
         MyClass(KeycloakSession session) {
           tracing = session.getProvider(TracingProvider.class);
         void doWork() {
           tracing.startSpan("MyTracerName", "mySpanName");
           try {
           } finally {
             // To make sure we end the span even in case of an exception.
             tracing.endSpan();  // Manually end the span.
      tracerName - name of Tracer that is obtained
      spanName - name of Span that is used
      the newly created Span.
    • startSpan

      default io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Span startSpan(Class<?> tracerClass, String spanSuffix)
      Same as startSpan(String, String), but you can start a Span that defines specific format for span name. The final Span name consists of Class.getSimpleName(), and spanSuffix.

      Note: The preferred trace approach is to use trace() methods, such as trace(Class, String, Consumer).

      that controls the overall span lifecycle.

      Example of usage:

      tracing.startSpan(, "span")

      The result Span name will be "MyClass.span"

      tracerClass - class that is used for getting tracer instance and its name used as prefix for Span
      spanSuffix - suffix that is appended to the final Span name
      the newly created Span.
    • startSpan

      io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Span startSpan(io.opentelemetry.api.trace.SpanBuilder builder)
      Same as startSpan(String, String), but the Span is created from your own SpanBuilder instance.

      Note: The preferred trace approach is to use trace() methods, such as trace(Class, String, Consumer) that controls the overall span lifecycle.

      Example of usage:


      builder - the custom SpanBuilder
      the newly created Span.
    • endSpan

      void endSpan()
      Marks the end of the current Span execution.

      Note: The preferred trace approach is to use trace() methods, such as trace(Class, String, Consumer) that controls the overall span lifecycle. In that case you should not use this method with trace() methods.

    • error

      void error(Throwable exception)
      Records information about the Throwable to the Span, and set Span status to StatusCode.ERROR
      exception - the Throwable to record.
    • trace

      void trace(String tracerName, String spanName, Consumer<io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Span> execution)
      Wrapper for code block execution which is traced and no need to manage the span lifecycle on our own.

      Example of usage:

       class MyClass {
         private final TracingProvider tracing;
         MyClass(KeycloakSession session) {
           tracing = session.getProvider(TracingProvider.class);
         void doWork() {
           tracing.trace("MyTracerName", "mySpanName", span -> {
      tracerName - name of Tracer
      spanName - name of Span
      execution - code that is executed and traced
    • trace

      default void trace(Class<?> tracerClass, String spanSuffix, Consumer<io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Span> execution)
      Wrapper for code block execution which is traced and no need to manage the span lifecycle on our own. Same as trace(String, String, Consumer), but should be more usable.

      Example of usage:

         void doWork() {
           // creates span name 'MyClass.mySpanName'
           tracing.trace(, "mySpanName", span -> {
      tracerClass - class that is used for getting tracer instance and its name used as prefix for Span
      spanSuffix - suffix that is appended to the final Span name
      execution - code that is executed and traced
    • trace

      <T> T trace(String tracerName, String spanName, Function<io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Span,T> execution)
      Wrapper for code block execution which is traced and no need to manage the span lifecycle on our own.

      Example of usage:

       class MyClass {
         private final TracingProvider tracing;
         MyClass(KeycloakSession session) {
           tracing = session.getProvider(TracingProvider.class);
         String doWork() {
           return tracing.trace("MyTracerName", "mySpanName", span -> {
               return returnSomeString();
      tracerName - name of Tracer
      spanName - name of Span
      execution - code that is executed and traced that returns a value
    • trace

      default <T> T trace(Class<?> tracerClass, String spanSuffix, Function<io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Span,T> execution)
      Wrapper for code block execution that returns a value, is traced and no need to manage the span lifecycle on our own. Same as trace(String, String, Function), but should be more usable.

      Example of usage:

         String doWork() {
           // creates span name 'MyClass.mySpanName'
           return tracing.trace(, "mySpanName", span -> {
               return returnSomeString();
      tracerClass - class that is used for getting tracer instance and its name used as prefix for Span
      spanSuffix - suffix that is appended to the final Span name
      execution - code that is executed and traced
    • getTracer

      io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Tracer getTracer(String name, String scopeVersion)
      Gets or creates a named Tracer instance.
      name - name of the tracer
      scopeVersion - version of the instrumentation scope.
    • getTracer

      default io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Tracer getTracer(String name)
      Gets or creates a named Tracer instance. Default scope version is Keycloak version (f.e. 26.0.5)
      name - name of the tracer
    • validateAllSpansEnded

      boolean validateAllSpansEnded()
      Validates whether all started Span instances were ended.

      As part of the validation, some notification about not ended Spans should be shown.

      true if all Spans ended