Class JpaRealmProvider

All Implemented Interfaces:
ClientProvider, ClientScopeProvider, DeploymentStateProvider, GroupProvider, RealmProvider, RoleProvider, Provider, ClientLookupProvider, ClientScopeLookupProvider, GroupLookupProvider, RoleLookupProvider

$Revision: 1 $
Bill Burke
  • Field Details

    • logger

      protected static final org.jboss.logging.Logger logger
    • em

      protected jakarta.persistence.EntityManager em
  • Constructor Details

    • JpaRealmProvider

      public JpaRealmProvider(KeycloakSession session, jakarta.persistence.EntityManager em, Set<String> clientSearchableAttributes, Set<String> groupSearchableAttributes)
  • Method Details

    • getMigrationModel

      public MigrationModel getMigrationModel()
      Specified by:
      getMigrationModel in interface DeploymentStateProvider
    • createRealm

      public RealmModel createRealm(String name)
      Description copied from interface: RealmProvider
      Creates new realm with the given name. The internal ID will be generated automatically.
      Specified by:
      createRealm in interface RealmProvider
      name - String name of the realm
      Model of the created realm.
    • createRealm

      public RealmModel createRealm(String id, String name)
      Description copied from interface: RealmProvider
      Created new realm with given ID and name.
      Specified by:
      createRealm in interface RealmProvider
      id - Internal ID of the realm or null if one is to be created by the underlying store. If the store expects the ID to have a certain format (for example UUID) and the supplied ID doesn't follow the expected format, the store may replace the id with a new one at its own discretion.
      name - String name of the realm
      Model of the created realm.
    • getRealm

      public RealmModel getRealm(String id)
      Description copied from interface: RealmProvider
      Exact search for a realm by its internal ID.
      Specified by:
      getRealm in interface RealmProvider
      id - Internal ID of the realm.
      Model of the realm
    • getRealmsWithProviderTypeStream

      public Stream<RealmModel> getRealmsWithProviderTypeStream(Class<?> providerType)
      Description copied from interface: RealmProvider
      Returns stream of realms which has component with the given provider type.
      Specified by:
      getRealmsWithProviderTypeStream in interface RealmProvider
      providerType - Class<?> Type of the provider.
      Stream of RealmModel. Never returns null.
    • getRealmsStream

      public Stream<RealmModel> getRealmsStream()
      Description copied from interface: RealmProvider
      Returns realms as a stream.
      Specified by:
      getRealmsStream in interface RealmProvider
      Stream of RealmModel. Never returns null.
    • getRealmsStream

      public Stream<RealmModel> getRealmsStream(String search)
      Description copied from interface: RealmProvider
      Returns realms as a stream filtered by search.
      Specified by:
      getRealmsStream in interface RealmProvider
      search - String to search for in realm names
      Stream of RealmModel. Never returns null.
    • getRealmByName

      public RealmModel getRealmByName(String name)
      Description copied from interface: RealmProvider
      Exact search for a realm by its name.
      Specified by:
      getRealmByName in interface RealmProvider
      name - String name of the realm
      Model of the realm
    • removeRealm

      public boolean removeRealm(String id)
      Description copied from interface: RealmProvider
      Removes realm with the given id.
      Specified by:
      removeRealm in interface RealmProvider
      id - of realm.
      true if the realm was successfully removed.
    • close

      public void close()
      Specified by:
      close in interface Provider
    • addRealmRole

      public RoleModel addRealmRole(RealmModel realm, String name)
      Description copied from interface: RoleProvider
      Adds a realm role with given name to the given realm. The internal ID of the role will be created automatically.
      Specified by:
      addRealmRole in interface RoleProvider
      realm - Realm owning this role.
      name - String name of the role.
      Model of the created role.
    • addRealmRole

      public RoleModel addRealmRole(RealmModel realm, String id, String name)
      Description copied from interface: RoleProvider
      Adds a realm role with given internal ID and name to the given realm.
      Specified by:
      addRealmRole in interface RoleProvider
      realm - Realm owning this role.
      id - Internal ID of the role or null if one is to be created by the underlying store
      name - String name of the role.
      Model of the created client.
    • getRealmRole

      public RoleModel getRealmRole(RealmModel realm, String name)
      Description copied from interface: RoleLookupProvider
      Exact search for a role by given name.
      Specified by:
      getRealmRole in interface RoleLookupProvider
      realm - Realm.
      name - String name of the role.
      Model of the role, or null if no role is found.
    • addClientRole

      public RoleModel addClientRole(ClientModel client, String name)
      Description copied from interface: RoleProvider
      Adds a client role with given name to the given client. The internal ID of the role will be created automatically.
      Specified by:
      addClientRole in interface RoleProvider
      client - Client owning this role.
      name - String name of the role.
      Model of the created role.
    • addClientRole

      public RoleModel addClientRole(ClientModel client, String id, String name)
      Description copied from interface: RoleProvider
      Adds a client role with given internal ID and name to the given client.
      Specified by:
      addClientRole in interface RoleProvider
      client - Client owning this role.
      id - Internal ID of the client role or null if one is to be created by the underlying store.
      name - String name of the role.
      Model of the created role.
    • getRealmRolesStream

      public Stream<RoleModel> getRealmRolesStream(RealmModel realm)
      Description copied from interface: RoleProvider
      Returns all the realm roles of the given realm as a stream. Effectively the same as the call getRealmRolesStream(realm, null, null).
      Specified by:
      getRealmRolesStream in interface RoleProvider
      realm - Realm.
      Stream of the roles. Never returns null.
    • getClientRole

      public RoleModel getClientRole(ClientModel client, String name)
      Description copied from interface: RoleLookupProvider
      Exact search for a client role by given name.
      Specified by:
      getClientRole in interface RoleLookupProvider
      client - Client.
      name - String name of the role.
      Model of the role, or null if no role is found.
    • getAllRedirectUrisOfEnabledClients

      public Map<ClientModel,Set<String>> getAllRedirectUrisOfEnabledClients(RealmModel realm)
      Description copied from interface: ClientProvider
      Returns a map of (rootUrl, {validRedirectUris}) for all enabled clients.
      Specified by:
      getAllRedirectUrisOfEnabledClients in interface ClientProvider
    • getRealmRolesStream

      public Stream<RoleModel> getRealmRolesStream(RealmModel realm, Integer first, Integer max)
      Description copied from interface: RoleProvider
      Returns the realm roles of the given realm as a stream.
      Specified by:
      getRealmRolesStream in interface RoleProvider
      realm - Realm.
      first - First result to return. Ignored if negative or null.
      max - Maximum number of results to return. Ignored if negative or null.
      Stream of the roles. Never returns null.
    • getRolesStream

      public Stream<RoleModel> getRolesStream(RealmModel realm, Stream<String> ids, String search, Integer first, Integer max)
      Description copied from interface: RoleProvider
      Returns a paginated stream of roles with given ids and given search value in role names.
      Specified by:
      getRolesStream in interface RoleProvider
      realm - Realm. Cannot be null.
      ids - Stream of ids. Returns empty Stream when null.
      search - Case-insensitive string to search by role's name or description. Ignored if null.
      first - Index of the first result to return. Ignored if negative or null.
      max - Maximum number of results to return. Ignored if negative or null.
      Stream of desired roles. Never returns null.
    • searchForClientRolesStream

      public Stream<RoleModel> searchForClientRolesStream(RealmModel realm, Stream<String> ids, String search, Integer first, Integer max)
      Description copied from interface: RoleLookupProvider
      Case-insensitive search for client roles that contain the given string in its name or their client's public identifier (clientId - (client_id in OIDC or entityID in SAML)).
      Specified by:
      searchForClientRolesStream in interface RoleLookupProvider
      realm - Realm.
      ids - Stream of ids to include in search. Ignored when null. Returns empty Stream when empty.
      search - String to search by role's name or client's public identifier.
      first - First result to return. Ignored if negative or null.
      max - Maximum number of results to return. Ignored if negative or null.
      Stream of the client roles where role name or client public identifier contains given search string. Never returns null.
    • searchForClientRolesStream

      public Stream<RoleModel> searchForClientRolesStream(RealmModel realm, String search, Stream<String> excludedIds, Integer first, Integer max)
      Description copied from interface: RoleLookupProvider
      Case-insensitive search for client roles that contain the given string in their name or their client's public identifier (clientId - (client_id in OIDC or entityID in SAML)).
      Specified by:
      searchForClientRolesStream in interface RoleLookupProvider
      realm - Realm.
      search - String to search by role's name or client's public identifier.
      excludedIds - Stream of ids to exclude. Ignored if empty or null.
      first - First result to return. Ignored if negative or null.
      max - Maximum number of results to return. Ignored if negative or null.
      Stream of the client roles where role name or client's public identifier contains given search string. Never returns null.
    • getClientRolesStream

      public Stream<RoleModel> getClientRolesStream(ClientModel client, Integer first, Integer max)
      Description copied from interface: RoleProvider
      Returns the client roles of the given client.
      Specified by:
      getClientRolesStream in interface RoleProvider
      client - Client.
      first - First result to return. Ignored if negative or null.
      max - Maximum number of results to return. Ignored if negative or null.
      Stream of the roles. Never returns null.
    • getRolesStream

      protected Stream<RoleModel> getRolesStream(jakarta.persistence.TypedQuery<RoleEntity> query, RealmModel realm, Integer first, Integer max)
    • searchForClientRolesStream

      public Stream<RoleModel> searchForClientRolesStream(ClientModel client, String search, Integer first, Integer max)
      Description copied from interface: RoleLookupProvider
      Case-insensitive search for client roles that contain the given string in their name or description.
      Specified by:
      searchForClientRolesStream in interface RoleLookupProvider
      client - Client.
      search - String to search by role's name or description.
      first - First result to return. Ignored if negative or null.
      max - Maximum number of results to return. Ignored if negative or null.
      Stream of the client roles their name or description contains given search string. Never returns null.
    • searchForRolesStream

      public Stream<RoleModel> searchForRolesStream(RealmModel realm, String search, Integer first, Integer max)
      Description copied from interface: RoleLookupProvider
      Case-insensitive search for roles that contain the given string in their name or description.
      Specified by:
      searchForRolesStream in interface RoleLookupProvider
      realm - Realm.
      search - Searched substring of the role's name or description.
      first - First result to return. Ignored if negative or null.
      max - Maximum number of results to return. Ignored if negative or null.
      Stream of the realm roles their name or description contains given search string. Never returns null.
    • searchForRoles

      protected Stream<RoleModel> searchForRoles(jakarta.persistence.TypedQuery<RoleEntity> query, RealmModel realm, String search, Integer first, Integer max)
    • removeRole

      public boolean removeRole(RoleModel role)
      Description copied from interface: RoleProvider
      Removes given realm role from the given realm.
      Specified by:
      removeRole in interface RoleProvider
      role - Role to be removed.
      true if the role existed and has been removed, false otherwise.
    • roleRemovedEvent

      public RoleContainerModel.RoleRemovedEvent roleRemovedEvent(RoleModel role)
    • removeRoles

      public void removeRoles(RealmModel realm)
      Description copied from interface: RoleProvider
      Removes all roles from the given realm.
      Specified by:
      removeRoles in interface RoleProvider
      realm - Realm.
    • removeRoles

      public void removeRoles(ClientModel client)
      Description copied from interface: RoleProvider
      Removes all roles from the given client.
      Specified by:
      removeRoles in interface RoleProvider
      client - Client.
    • getRoleById

      public RoleModel getRoleById(RealmModel realm, String id)
      Description copied from interface: RoleLookupProvider
      Exact search for a role by its internal ID..
      Specified by:
      getRoleById in interface RoleLookupProvider
      realm - Realm.
      id - Internal ID of the role.
      Model of the role.
    • getGroupById

      public GroupModel getGroupById(RealmModel realm, String id)
      Description copied from interface: GroupLookupProvider
      Returns a group from the given realm with the corresponding id
      Specified by:
      getGroupById in interface GroupLookupProvider
      realm - Realm.
      id - Id.
      GroupModel with the corresponding id.
    • getGroupByName

      public GroupModel getGroupByName(RealmModel realm, GroupModel parent, String name)
      Description copied from interface: GroupLookupProvider
      Returns a group from the given realm with the corresponding name and parent
      Specified by:
      getGroupByName in interface GroupLookupProvider
      realm - Realm.
      parent - parent Group. If null top level groups are searched
      name - name.
      GroupModel with the corresponding name.
    • moveGroup

      public void moveGroup(RealmModel realm, GroupModel group, GroupModel toParent)
      Description copied from interface: GroupProvider
      This method is used for moving groups in group structure, for example:
      • making an existing child group child group of some other group,
      • setting a top level group (i.e. group without parent group) child of some group,
      • making a child group top level group (i.e. removing its parent group).
        Specified by:
        moveGroup in interface GroupProvider
        realm - Realm owning this group.
        group - Group to update.
        toParent - New parent group, or null if we are moving the group to top level group.
      • getGroupsStream

        public Stream<GroupModel> getGroupsStream(RealmModel realm)
        Description copied from interface: GroupProvider
        Returns groups for the given realm.
        Specified by:
        getGroupsStream in interface GroupProvider
        realm - Realm.
        Stream of groups in the Realm.
      • getGroupsStream

        public Stream<GroupModel> getGroupsStream(RealmModel realm, Stream<String> ids, String search, Integer first, Integer max)
        Description copied from interface: GroupProvider
        Returns a paginated stream of groups with given ids and given search value in group names.
        Specified by:
        getGroupsStream in interface GroupProvider
        realm - Realm.
        ids - Stream of ids.
        search - Case insensitive string which will be searched for. Ignored if null.
        first - Index of the first result to return. Ignored if negative or null.
        max - Maximum number of results to return. Ignored if negative or null.
        Stream of desired groups. Never returns null.
      • getGroupsStream

        public Stream<GroupModel> getGroupsStream(RealmModel realm, Stream<String> ids, Integer first, Integer max)
        Description copied from interface: GroupProvider
        Returns a paginated stream of groups with given ids. Effectively the same as getGroupsStream(realm, ids, null, first, max).
        Specified by:
        getGroupsStream in interface GroupProvider
        realm - Realm.
        ids - Stream of ids.
        first - Index of the first result to return. Ignored if negative or null.
        max - Maximum number of results to return. Ignored if negative or null.
        Stream of GroupModels with the specified ids
      • getGroupsStream

        public Stream<GroupModel> getGroupsStream(RealmModel realm, Stream<String> ids)
        Description copied from interface: GroupProvider
        Returns a stream of groups with given ids. Effectively the same as getGroupsStream(realm, ids, null, null, null).
        Specified by:
        getGroupsStream in interface GroupProvider
        realm - Realm.
        ids - Stream of ids.
        Stream of GroupModels with the specified ids
      • getGroupsCount

        public Long getGroupsCount(RealmModel realm, Stream<String> ids, String search)
        Description copied from interface: GroupProvider
        Returns a number of groups that contains the search string in the name
        Specified by:
        getGroupsCount in interface GroupProvider
        realm - Realm.
        ids - List of ids.
        search - Case insensitive string which will be searched for. Ignored if null.
        Number of groups.
      • getGroupsCount

        public Long getGroupsCount(RealmModel realm, Boolean onlyTopGroups)
        Description copied from interface: GroupProvider
        Returns a number of groups/top level groups (i.e. groups without parent group) for the given realm.
        Specified by:
        getGroupsCount in interface GroupProvider
        realm - Realm.
        onlyTopGroups - When true the function returns a count of top level groups only.
        Number of groups/top level groups.
      • getClientsCount

        public long getClientsCount(RealmModel realm)
        Description copied from interface: ClientProvider
        Returns number of clients in the given realm
        Specified by:
        getClientsCount in interface ClientProvider
        realm - Realm.
        Number of the clients in the given realm.
      • getGroupsCountByNameContaining

        public Long getGroupsCountByNameContaining(RealmModel realm, String search)
        Description copied from interface: GroupProvider
        Returns the number of top level groups containing groups with the given string in name for the given realm.
        Specified by:
        getGroupsCountByNameContaining in interface GroupProvider
        realm - Realm.
        search - Case insensitive string which will be searched for.
        Number of groups with the given string in its name.
      • getGroupsByRoleStream

        public Stream<GroupModel> getGroupsByRoleStream(RealmModel realm, RoleModel role, Integer firstResult, Integer maxResults)
        Description copied from interface: GroupProvider
        Returns groups with the given role in the given realm.
        Specified by:
        getGroupsByRoleStream in interface GroupProvider
        realm - Realm.
        role - Role.
        firstResult - First result to return. Ignored if negative or null.
        maxResults - Maximum number of results to return. Ignored if negative or null.
        Stream of groups with the given role. Never returns null.
      • getTopLevelGroupsStream

        public Stream<GroupModel> getTopLevelGroupsStream(RealmModel realm, String search, Boolean exact, Integer firstResult, Integer maxResults)
        Description copied from interface: GroupProvider
        Returns top level groups (i.e. groups without parent group) for the given realm.
        Specified by:
        getTopLevelGroupsStream in interface GroupProvider
        realm - Realm.
        search - The name that should be matched
        firstResult - First result to return. Ignored if negative or null.
        maxResults - Maximum number of results to return. Ignored if negative or null.
        Stream of top level groups in the realm. Never returns null.
      • removeGroup

        public boolean removeGroup(RealmModel realm, GroupModel group)
        Description copied from interface: GroupProvider
        Removes the given group for the given realm.
        Specified by:
        removeGroup in interface GroupProvider
        realm - Realm.
        group - Group.
        true if the group was removed, false if group doesn't exist or doesn't belong to the given realm
      • createGroup

        public GroupModel createGroup(RealmModel realm, String id, GroupModel.Type type, String name, GroupModel toParent)
        Description copied from interface: GroupProvider
        Creates a new group with the given name, id, name and parent to the given realm.
        Specified by:
        createGroup in interface GroupProvider
        realm - Realm.
        id - Id, will be generated if null.
        type - the group type. if not set, defaults to GroupModel.Type.REALM
        name - Name.
        toParent - Parent group, or null if the group is top level group
        Model of the created group
      • addTopLevelGroup

        public void addTopLevelGroup(RealmModel realm, GroupModel subGroup)
        Description copied from interface: GroupProvider
        Removes parent group for the given group in the given realm.
        Specified by:
        addTopLevelGroup in interface GroupProvider
        realm - Realm.
        subGroup - Group.
      • preRemove

        public void preRemove(RealmModel realm, RoleModel role)
      • preRemove

        public void preRemove(RealmModel realm)
        Description copied from interface: GroupProvider
        Called when a realm is removed. Should remove all groups that belong to the realm.
        Specified by:
        preRemove in interface GroupProvider
        realm - a reference to the realm
      • addClient

        public ClientModel addClient(RealmModel realm, String clientId)
        Description copied from interface: ClientProvider
        Adds a client with given clientId to the given realm. The internal ID of the client will be created automatically.
        Specified by:
        addClient in interface ClientProvider
        realm - Realm owning this client.
        clientId - String that identifies the client to the external parties. Maps to client_id in OIDC or entityID in SAML.
        Model of the created client.
      • addClient

        public ClientModel addClient(RealmModel realm, String id, String clientId)
        Description copied from interface: ClientProvider
        Adds a client with given internal ID and clientId to the given realm.
        Specified by:
        addClient in interface ClientProvider
        realm - Realm owning this client.
        id - Internal ID of the client or null if one is to be created by the underlying store
        clientId - String that identifies the client to the external parties. Maps to client_id in OIDC or entityID in SAML.
        Model of the created client.
      • getClientsStream

        public Stream<ClientModel> getClientsStream(RealmModel realm)
        Description copied from interface: ClientProvider
        Returns all the clients of the given realm as a stream. Effectively the same as the call getClientsStream(realm, null, null).
        Specified by:
        getClientsStream in interface ClientProvider
        realm - Realm.
        Stream of the clients. Never returns null.
      • getClientsStream

        public Stream<ClientModel> getClientsStream(RealmModel realm, Integer firstResult, Integer maxResults)
        Description copied from interface: ClientProvider
        Returns the clients of the given realm as a stream.
        Specified by:
        getClientsStream in interface ClientProvider
        realm - Realm.
        firstResult - First result to return. Ignored if negative or null.
        maxResults - Maximum number of results to return. Ignored if negative or null.
        Stream of the clients. Never returns null.
      • getAlwaysDisplayInConsoleClientsStream

        public Stream<ClientModel> getAlwaysDisplayInConsoleClientsStream(RealmModel realm)
        Description copied from interface: ClientProvider
        Returns a stream of clients that are expected to always show up in account console.
        Specified by:
        getAlwaysDisplayInConsoleClientsStream in interface ClientProvider
        realm - Realm owning the clients.
        Stream of the clients. Never returns null.
      • getClientById

        public ClientModel getClientById(RealmModel realm, String id)
        Description copied from interface: ClientLookupProvider
        Exact search for a client by its internal ID.
        Specified by:
        getClientById in interface ClientLookupProvider
        realm - Realm to limit the search.
        id - Internal ID
        Model of the client, or null if no client is found.
      • getClientByClientId

        public ClientModel getClientByClientId(RealmModel realm, String clientId)
        Description copied from interface: ClientLookupProvider
        Exact search for a client by its public client identifier.
        Specified by:
        getClientByClientId in interface ClientLookupProvider
        realm - Realm to limit the search for clients.
        clientId - String that identifies the client to the external parties. Maps to client_id in OIDC or entityID in SAML.
        Model of the client, or null if no client is found.
      • searchClientsByClientIdStream

        public Stream<ClientModel> searchClientsByClientIdStream(RealmModel realm, String clientId, Integer firstResult, Integer maxResults)
        Description copied from interface: ClientLookupProvider
        Case-insensitive search for clients that contain the given string in their public client identifier.
        Specified by:
        searchClientsByClientIdStream in interface ClientLookupProvider
        realm - Realm to limit the search for clients.
        clientId - Searched substring of the public client identifier (client_id in OIDC or entityID in SAML.)
        firstResult - First result to return. Ignored if negative or null.
        maxResults - Maximum number of results to return. Ignored if negative or null.
        Stream of ClientModel or an empty stream if no client is found. Never returns null.
      • searchClientsByAttributes

        public Stream<ClientModel> searchClientsByAttributes(RealmModel realm, Map<String,String> attributes, Integer firstResult, Integer maxResults)
        Specified by:
        searchClientsByAttributes in interface ClientLookupProvider
      • searchClientsByAuthenticationFlowBindingOverrides

        public Stream<ClientModel> searchClientsByAuthenticationFlowBindingOverrides(RealmModel realm, Map<String,String> overrides, Integer firstResult, Integer maxResults)
        Specified by:
        searchClientsByAuthenticationFlowBindingOverrides in interface ClientLookupProvider
      • removeClients

        public void removeClients(RealmModel realm)
        Description copied from interface: ClientProvider
        Removes all clients from the given realm.
        Specified by:
        removeClients in interface ClientProvider
        realm - Realm.
      • removeClient

        public boolean removeClient(RealmModel realm, String id)
        Description copied from interface: ClientProvider
        Removes given client from the given realm.
        Specified by:
        removeClient in interface ClientProvider
        realm - Realm.
        id - Internal ID of the client
        true if the client existed and has been removed, false otherwise.
      • getClientScopeById

        public ClientScopeModel getClientScopeById(RealmModel realm, String id)
        Description copied from interface: ClientScopeLookupProvider
        Exact search for a client scope by its internal ID..
        Specified by:
        getClientScopeById in interface ClientScopeLookupProvider
        realm - Realm.
        id - Internal ID of the role.
        Model of the client scope.
      • getClientScopesStream

        public Stream<ClientScopeModel> getClientScopesStream(RealmModel realm)
        Description copied from interface: ClientScopeProvider
        Returns all the client scopes of the given realm as a stream.
        Specified by:
        getClientScopesStream in interface ClientScopeProvider
        realm - Realm.
        Stream of the client scopes. Never returns null.
      • addClientScope

        public ClientScopeModel addClientScope(RealmModel realm, String id, String name)
        Description copied from interface: ClientScopeProvider
        Creates new client scope with given internal ID and name to the given realm. Spaces in name will be replaced by underscore so that scope name can be used as value of scope parameter.
        Specified by:
        addClientScope in interface ClientScopeProvider
        realm - Realm owning this client scope.
        id - Internal ID of the client scope or null if one is to be created by the underlying store
        name - String name of the client scope.
        Model of the created client scope.
      • removeClientScope

        public boolean removeClientScope(RealmModel realm, String id)
        Description copied from interface: ClientScopeProvider
        Removes client scope from the given realm.
        Specified by:
        removeClientScope in interface ClientScopeProvider
        realm - Realm.
        id - Internal ID of the client scope
        true if the client scope existed and has been removed, false otherwise.
      • removeClientScopes

        public void removeClientScopes(RealmModel realm)
        Description copied from interface: ClientScopeProvider
        Removes all client scopes from the given realm.
        Specified by:
        removeClientScopes in interface ClientScopeProvider
        realm - Realm.
      • addClientScopes

        public void addClientScopes(RealmModel realm, ClientModel client, Set<ClientScopeModel> clientScopes, boolean defaultScope)
        Description copied from interface: ClientProvider
        Assign clientScopes to the client. Add as default scopes (if parameter 'defaultScope' is true) or optional scopes (if parameter 'defaultScope' is false)
        Specified by:
        addClientScopes in interface ClientProvider
        realm - Realm.
        client - Client.
        clientScopes - to be assigned
        defaultScope - if true the scopes are assigned as default, or optional in case of false
      • removeClientScope

        public void removeClientScope(RealmModel realm, ClientModel client, ClientScopeModel clientScope)
        Description copied from interface: ClientProvider
        Unassign clientScope from the client.
        Specified by:
        removeClientScope in interface ClientProvider
        realm - Realm.
        client - Client.
        clientScope - to be unassigned
      • addClientScopeToAllClients

        public void addClientScopeToAllClients(RealmModel realm, ClientScopeModel clientScope, boolean defaultClientScope)
        Description copied from interface: ClientProvider
        Add specified client scope to all non bearer-only clients in the realm, which have same protocol as specified client scope. Method may be used just for new client scopes, which are not yet assigned to any clients as if specified clientScope is already assigned to some client, there might be issues related to duplicate entries.
        Specified by:
        addClientScopeToAllClients in interface ClientProvider
        realm - Realm
        clientScope - client scope from the specified realm, which would be added to all clients
        defaultClientScope - If true, then it will be added as "default" client scope. If false, then it will be added as "optional" client scope
      • getClientScopes

        public Map<String,ClientScopeModel> getClientScopes(RealmModel realm, ClientModel client, boolean defaultScope)
        Description copied from interface: ClientLookupProvider
        Return all default scopes (if defaultScope is true) or all optional scopes (if defaultScope is false) linked with the client
        Specified by:
        getClientScopes in interface ClientLookupProvider
        realm - Realm
        client - Client
        defaultScope - if true default scopes, if false optional scopes, are returned
        map where key is the name of the clientScope, value is particular clientScope. Returns empty map if no scopes linked (never returns null).
      • searchForGroupByNameStream

        public Stream<GroupModel> searchForGroupByNameStream(RealmModel realm, String search, Boolean exact, Integer first, Integer max)
        Description copied from interface: GroupLookupProvider
        Returns the group hierarchy with the given string in name for the given realm. For a matching group node the parent group is fetched by id (with all children) and added to the result stream. This is done until the group node does not have a parent (root group)
        Specified by:
        searchForGroupByNameStream in interface GroupLookupProvider
        realm - Realm.
        search - Case sensitive searched string.
        exact - Boolean which defines whether search param should be matched exactly.
        first - First result to return. Ignored if negative or null.
        max - Maximum number of results to return. Ignored if negative or null.
        Stream of root groups that have the given string in their name themself or a group in their child-collection has. The returned hierarchy contains siblings that do not necessarily have a matching name. Never returns null.
      • searchGroupsByAttributes

        public Stream<GroupModel> searchGroupsByAttributes(RealmModel realm, Map<String,String> attributes, Integer firstResult, Integer maxResults)
        Description copied from interface: GroupLookupProvider
        Returns the groups filtered by attribute names and attribute values for the given realm.
        Specified by:
        searchGroupsByAttributes in interface GroupLookupProvider
        realm - Realm.
        attributes - name-value pairs that are compared to group attributes.
        firstResult - First result to return. Ignored if negative or null.
        maxResults - Maximum number of results to return. Ignored if negative or null.
        Stream of groups with attributes matching all searched attributes. Never returns null.
      • removeExpiredClientInitialAccess

        public void removeExpiredClientInitialAccess()
        Description copied from interface: RealmProvider
        Removes all expired client initial accesses from all realms.
        Specified by:
        removeExpiredClientInitialAccess in interface RealmProvider
      • updateLocalizationText

        public boolean updateLocalizationText(RealmModel realm, String locale, String key, String text)
        Specified by:
        updateLocalizationText in interface RealmProvider
      • saveLocalizationText

        public void saveLocalizationText(RealmModel realm, String locale, String key, String text)
        Specified by:
        saveLocalizationText in interface RealmProvider
      • saveLocalizationTexts

        public void saveLocalizationTexts(RealmModel realm, String locale, Map<String,String> localizationTexts)
        Specified by:
        saveLocalizationTexts in interface RealmProvider
      • deleteLocalizationTextsByLocale

        public boolean deleteLocalizationTextsByLocale(RealmModel realm, String locale)
        Specified by:
        deleteLocalizationTextsByLocale in interface RealmProvider
      • getLocalizationTextsById

        public String getLocalizationTextsById(RealmModel realm, String locale, String key)
        Specified by:
        getLocalizationTextsById in interface RealmProvider
      • deleteLocalizationText

        public boolean deleteLocalizationText(RealmModel realm, String locale, String key)
        Specified by:
        deleteLocalizationText in interface RealmProvider
      • getClientSearchableAttributes

        public Set<String> getClientSearchableAttributes()