Interface ValidationContext

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ValidationContext extends FormContext
Interface that encapsulates the current validation that is being performed. Calling success() or validationError() sets the status of this current validation.
$Revision: 1 $
Bill Burke
  • Method Details

    • validationError

      void validationError(<String,String> formData, List<FormMessage> errors)
      Mark this validation as having a validation error
      formData - form data you want to display when the form is refreshed
      errors - error messages to display on the form
    • error

      void error(String error)
    • success

      void success()
      Mark this validation as successful
    • excludeOtherErrors

      void excludeOtherErrors()
      The error messages of this current validation will take precedence over any others. Other error messages will not be shown. This is useful to prevent validation from leaking to an attacker. For example, the recaptcha validator calls this method so that usernames cannot be phished