Interface UserRegistrationProvider

All Known Subinterfaces:
UserCache, UserProvider
All Known Implementing Classes:
JpaUserProvider, KerberosFederationProvider, LDAPStorageProvider, UserCacheSession, UserStorageManager

public interface UserRegistrationProvider
This is an optional capability interface that is intended to be implemented by any UserStorageProvider that supports addition of new users. You must implement this interface if you want to use this storage for registering new users.
$Revision: 1 $
Bill Burke
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    addUser(RealmModel realm, String username)
    All storage providers that implement this interface will be looped through.
    Called if user originated from this provider.
  • Method Details

    • addUser

      UserModel addUser(RealmModel realm, String username)
      All storage providers that implement this interface will be looped through. If this method returns null, then the next storage provider's addUser() method will be called. If no storage providers handle the add, then the user will be created in local storage. Returning null is useful when you want optional support for adding users. For example, our LDAP provider can enable and disable the ability to add users.
      realm - a reference to the realm
      username - a username the created user will be assigned
      a model of created user
    • removeUser

      boolean removeUser(RealmModel realm, UserModel user)
      Called if user originated from this provider. If a local user is linked to this provider, this method will be called before local storage's removeUser() method is invoked. If you are using an import strategy, and this is a local user linked to this provider, this method will be called before local storage's removeUser() method is invoked. Also, you DO NOT need to remove the imported user. The runtime will handle this for you.
      realm - a reference to the realm
      user - a reference to the user that is removed
      true if the user was removed, false otherwise