Interface GroupLookupProvider

All Known Subinterfaces:
CacheRealmProvider, GroupProvider, GroupStorageProvider
All Known Implementing Classes:
GroupStorageManager, JpaRealmProvider, RealmCacheSession

public interface GroupLookupProvider
  • Method Details

    • getGroupById

      GroupModel getGroupById(RealmModel realm, String id)
      Returns a group from the given realm with the corresponding id
      realm - Realm.
      id - Id.
      GroupModel with the corresponding id.
    • getGroupByName

      default GroupModel getGroupByName(RealmModel realm, GroupModel parent, String name)
      Returns a group from the given realm with the corresponding name and parent
      realm - Realm.
      parent - parent Group. If null top level groups are searched
      name - name.
      GroupModel with the corresponding name.
    • searchForGroupByNameStream

      @Deprecated default Stream<GroupModel> searchForGroupByNameStream(RealmModel realm, String search, Integer firstResult, Integer maxResults)
      Returns the group hierarchy with the given string in name for the given realm. For a matching group node the parent group is fetched by id (with all children) and added to the result stream. This is done until the group node does not have a parent (root group)
      realm - Realm.
      search - Case sensitive searched string.
      firstResult - First result to return. Ignored if negative or null.
      maxResults - Maximum number of results to return. Ignored if negative or null.
      Stream of root groups that have the given string in their name themself or a group in their child-collection has. The returned hierarchy contains siblings that do not necessarily have a matching name. Never returns null.
    • searchGroupsByAttributes

      Stream<GroupModel> searchGroupsByAttributes(RealmModel realm, Map<String,String> attributes, Integer firstResult, Integer maxResults)
      Returns the groups filtered by attribute names and attribute values for the given realm.
      realm - Realm.
      attributes - name-value pairs that are compared to group attributes.
      firstResult - First result to return. Ignored if negative or null.
      maxResults - Maximum number of results to return. Ignored if negative or null.
      Stream of groups with attributes matching all searched attributes. Never returns null.
    • searchForGroupByNameStream

      Stream<GroupModel> searchForGroupByNameStream(RealmModel realm, String search, Boolean exact, Integer firstResult, Integer maxResults)
      Returns the group hierarchy with the given string in name for the given realm. For a matching group node the parent group is fetched by id (with all children) and added to the result stream. This is done until the group node does not have a parent (root group)
      realm - Realm.
      search - Case sensitive searched string.
      exact - Boolean which defines whether search param should be matched exactly.
      firstResult - First result to return. Ignored if negative or null.
      maxResults - Maximum number of results to return. Ignored if negative or null.
      Stream of root groups that have the given string in their name themself or a group in their child-collection has. The returned hierarchy contains siblings that do not necessarily have a matching name. Never returns null.