Interface AdapterHttpClientConfig

All Known Implementing Classes:
AdapterConfig, Configuration

public interface AdapterHttpClientConfig
Configuration options relevant for configuring http client that can be used by adapter. NOTE: keep in sync with adapters/saml/core/src/main/java/org/keycloak/adapters/ until unified.
  • Method Details

    • getTruststore

      String getTruststore()
      Returns truststore filename.
    • getTruststorePassword

      String getTruststorePassword()
      Returns truststore password.
    • getClientKeystore

      String getClientKeystore()
      Returns keystore with client keys.
    • getClientKeystorePassword

      String getClientKeystorePassword()
      Returns keystore password.
    • isAllowAnyHostname

      boolean isAllowAnyHostname()
      Returns boolean flag whether any hostname verification is done on the server's certificate, true means that verification is not done.
    • isDisableTrustManager

      boolean isDisableTrustManager()
      Returns boolean flag whether any trust management and hostname verification is done.

      NOTE Disabling trust manager is a security hole, so only set this option if you cannot or do not want to verify the identity of the host you are communicating with.

    • getConnectionPoolSize

      int getConnectionPoolSize()
      Returns size of connection pool.
    • getProxyUrl

      String getProxyUrl()
      Returns URL of HTTP proxy.
    • getSocketTimeout

      long getSocketTimeout()
      Returns timeout for socket waiting for data in milliseconds.
    • getConnectionTimeout

      long getConnectionTimeout()
      Returns timeout for establishing the connection with the remote host in milliseconds.
    • getConnectionTTL

      long getConnectionTTL()
      Returns the connection time-to-live