Interface KeycloakContext

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface KeycloakContext
Stian Thorgersen
  • Method Details

    • getAuthServerUrl

      URI getAuthServerUrl()
    • getContextPath

      String getContextPath()
    • getUri

      KeycloakUriInfo getUri()
      Returns the URI assuming it is a frontend request. To resolve URI for a backend request use getUri(UrlType)
    • getUri

      KeycloakUriInfo getUri(UrlType type)
      Returns the URI. If a frontend request (from user-agent) @frontendRequest should be set to true. If a backend request (request from a client) should be set to false. Depending on the configure hostname provider it may return a hard-coded base URL for frontend request (for example and use the request URL for backend requests. Frontend URI should also be used for realm issuer fields in tokens.
      type - the type of the request
    • getRequestHeaders getRequestHeaders()
    • getContextObject

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) default <T> T getContextObject(Class<T> clazz)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Will always return null. You should not need access to a general context object.
    • getRealm

      RealmModel getRealm()
    • setRealm

      void setRealm(RealmModel realm)
    • getClient

      ClientModel getClient()
    • setClient

      void setClient(ClientModel client)
    • getOrganization

      OrganizationModel getOrganization()
    • setOrganization

      void setOrganization(OrganizationModel organization)
    • getConnection

      ClientConnection getConnection()
    • resolveLocale

      Locale resolveLocale(UserModel user)
    • getAuthenticationSession

      AuthenticationSessionModel getAuthenticationSession()
      Get current AuthenticationSessionModel, can be null out of the AuthenticationSession context.
      current AuthenticationSessionModel or null
    • setAuthenticationSession

      void setAuthenticationSession(AuthenticationSessionModel authenticationSession)
    • getHttpRequest

      HttpRequest getHttpRequest()
    • getHttpResponse

      HttpResponse getHttpResponse()
    • setConnection

      void setConnection(ClientConnection clientConnection)
    • setHttpRequest

      void setHttpRequest(HttpRequest httpRequest)
    • setHttpResponse

      void setHttpResponse(HttpResponse httpResponse)