Interface JpaEntityProvider

All Superinterfaces:

public interface JpaEntityProvider extends Provider
Erik Mulder A JPA Entity Provider can supply extra JPA entities that the Keycloak system should include in it's entity manager. The entities should be provided as a list of Class objects.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Return the location of the Liquibase changelog that facilitates the extra JPA entities.
    Return the entities that should be added to the entity manager.
    Return the ID of provider factory, which created this provider.

    Methods inherited from interface org.keycloak.provider.Provider

  • Method Details

    • getEntities

      List<Class<?>> getEntities()
      Return the entities that should be added to the entity manager.
      list of class objects
    • getChangelogLocation

      String getChangelogLocation()
      Return the location of the Liquibase changelog that facilitates the extra JPA entities. This should be a location that can be found on the same classpath as the entity classes.
      a changelog location or null if not needed
    • getFactoryId

      String getFactoryId()
      Return the ID of provider factory, which created this provider. Might be used to "compute" the table name of liquibase changelog table.
      ID of provider factory