Interface EvaluationContext

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface EvaluationContext
This interface serves as a bridge between the policy evaluation runtime and the environment in which it is running. When evaluating policies, this interface can be used to query information from the execution environment/context and enrich decisions.
Pedro Igor
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns all attributes within the current execution and runtime environment.
    Returns the Identity that represents an entity (person or non-person) to which the permissions must be granted, or not.
  • Method Details

    • getIdentity

      Identity getIdentity()
      Returns the Identity that represents an entity (person or non-person) to which the permissions must be granted, or not.
      the identity to which the permissions must be granted, or not
    • getAttributes

      Attributes getAttributes()
      Returns all attributes within the current execution and runtime environment.
      the attributes within the current execution and runtime environment