Interface UpdateProfileContext

All Known Implementing Classes:
SerializedBrokeredIdentityContext, UserUpdateProfileContext

public interface UpdateProfileContext
Abstraction, which allows to display updateProfile page in various contexts (Required action of already existing user, or first identity provider login when user doesn't yet exists in Keycloak DB)
Marek Posolda
  • Method Details

    • getUserProfileContext

      UserProfileContext getUserProfileContext()
    • isEditUsernameAllowed

      boolean isEditUsernameAllowed()
    • getUsername

      String getUsername()
    • setUsername

      void setUsername(String username)
    • isEditEmailAllowed

      boolean isEditEmailAllowed()
    • getEmail

      String getEmail()
    • setEmail

      void setEmail(String email)
    • getFirstName

      String getFirstName()
    • setFirstName

      void setFirstName(String firstName)
    • getLastName

      String getLastName()
    • setLastName

      void setLastName(String lastName)
    • getAttributes

      Map<String,List<String>> getAttributes()
    • setSingleAttribute

      void setSingleAttribute(String name, String value)
    • setAttribute

      void setAttribute(String key, List<String> value)
    • getFirstAttribute

      String getFirstAttribute(String name)
    • getAttribute

      @Deprecated default List<String> getAttribute(String key)
      Use getAttributeStream instead.
    • getAttributeStream

      Stream<String> getAttributeStream(String name)
      Obtains all values associated with the specified attribute name.
      name - the name of the attribute.
      a non-null Stream of attribute values.