Class AuthenticatorUtils


public final class AuthenticatorUtils extends Object
Vaclav Muzikar <>
  • Constructor Details

    • AuthenticatorUtils

      public AuthenticatorUtils()
  • Method Details

    • getDisabledByBruteForceEventError

      public static String getDisabledByBruteForceEventError(BruteForceProtector protector, KeycloakSession session, RealmModel realm, UserModel user)
    • getDisabledByBruteForceEventError

      public static String getDisabledByBruteForceEventError(AuthenticationFlowContext authnFlowContext, UserModel authenticatedUser)
    • dummyHash

      public static void dummyHash(AuthenticationFlowContext context)
      This method exists to simulate hashing of some "dummy" password. The purpose is to make the user enumeration harder, so the authentication request with non-existing username also need to simulate the password hashing overhead and takes same time like the request with existing username, but incorrect password.
      context -
    • parseCompletedExecutions

      public static Map<String,Integer> parseCompletedExecutions(String note)
      Get all completed authenticator executions from the user session notes.
      note - The serialized note value to parse
      A list of execution ids that were successfully completed to create this authentication session
    • updateCompletedExecutions

      public static void updateCompletedExecutions(AuthenticationSessionModel authSession, UserSessionModel userSession, String executionId)
      Update the completed authenticators note on the new auth session
      authSession - The current authentication session
      userSession - The previous user session
      executionId - The completed execution id