Interface IdentityProvidersResource

public interface IdentityProvidersResource
  • Method Details

    • get

      @Path("instances/{alias}") IdentityProviderResource get(@PathParam("alias") String alias)
    • findAll

      @GET @Path("instances") @Produces("application/json") List<IdentityProviderRepresentation> findAll()
    • find

      @GET @Path("instances") @Produces("application/json") List<IdentityProviderRepresentation> find(@QueryParam("search") String search, @QueryParam("briefRepresentation") Boolean briefRepresentation, @QueryParam("first") Integer firstResult, @QueryParam("max") Integer maxResults)
    • find

      @GET @Path("instances") @Produces("application/json") List<IdentityProviderRepresentation> find(@QueryParam("search") String search, @QueryParam("briefRepresentation") Boolean briefRepresentation, @QueryParam("first") Integer firstResult, @QueryParam("max") Integer maxResults, @QueryParam("realmOnly") Boolean realmOnly)
      Get the paginated list of identity providers, filtered according to the specified parameters.
      search - Filter to search specific providers by name. Search can be prefixed (name*), contains (*name*) or exact (\"name\"). Default prefixed.
      briefRepresentation - Boolean which defines whether brief representations are returned (default: false). If true, only basic data like ID, alias, providerId and enabled status will be returned in the result
      firstResult - Pagination offset
      maxResults - Maximum results size (defaults to 100)
      realmOnly - Boolean which defines if only realm-level IDPs (not associated with orgs) should be returned (default: false). Parameter available since Keycloak server 26. Will be ignored on older Keycloak versions with the default value false
      The list of providers.
    • create

      @POST @Path("instances") @Consumes("application/json") create(IdentityProviderRepresentation identityProvider)
    • getIdentityProviders

      @GET @Path("/providers/{provider_id}") @Produces("application/json") getIdentityProviders(@PathParam("provider_id") String providerId)
    • importFrom

      @POST @Path("import-config") @Consumes("multipart/form-data") @Produces("application/json") Map<String,String> importFrom(Object data)
    • importFrom

      @POST @Path("import-config") @Consumes("application/json") @Produces("application/json") Map<String,String> importFrom(Map<String,Object> data)