Interface AuthenticationSessionProvider

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
InfinispanAuthenticationSessionProvider, RemoteInfinispanAuthenticationSessionProvider

public interface AuthenticationSessionProvider extends Provider
Marek Posolda
  • Method Details

    • createRootAuthenticationSession

      RootAuthenticationSessionModel createRootAuthenticationSession(RealmModel realm)
      Creates and registers a new authentication session with random ID. Authentication session entity will be prefilled with current timestamp, the given realm and client.
      realm - RealmModel Can't be null.
      Returns created RootAuthenticationSessionModel. Never returns null.
    • createRootAuthenticationSession

      RootAuthenticationSessionModel createRootAuthenticationSession(RealmModel realm, String id)
      Creates a new root authentication session specified by the provided realm and id.
      realm - RealmModel Can't be null.
      id - String Id of newly created root authentication session. If null a random id will be generated.
      Returns created RootAuthenticationSessionModel. Never returns null.
    • getRootAuthenticationSession

      RootAuthenticationSessionModel getRootAuthenticationSession(RealmModel realm, String authenticationSessionId)
      Returns the root authentication session specified by the provided realm and id.
      realm - RealmModel Can't be null.
      authenticationSessionId - RootAuthenticationSessionModel If null then null will be returned.
      Returns found RootAuthenticationSessionModel or null if no root authentication session is found.
    • removeRootAuthenticationSession

      void removeRootAuthenticationSession(RealmModel realm, RootAuthenticationSessionModel authenticationSession)
      Removes provided root authentication session.
      realm - RealmModel Associated realm to the given root authentication session.
      authenticationSession - RootAuthenticationSessionModel Can't be null.
    • removeAllExpired

      void removeAllExpired()
      manual removal of expired entities should not be used anymore. It is responsibility of the store implementation to handle expirable entities
      Remove expired authentication sessions in all the realms
    • removeExpired

      void removeExpired(RealmModel realm)
      manual removal of expired entities should not be used anymore. It is responsibility of the store implementation to handle expirable entities
      Removes all expired root authentication sessions for the given realm.
      realm - RealmModel Can't be null.
    • onRealmRemoved

      void onRealmRemoved(RealmModel realm)
      Removes all associated root authentication sessions to the given realm which was removed.
      realm - RealmModel Can't be null.
    • onClientRemoved

      void onClientRemoved(RealmModel realm, ClientModel client)
      Removes all associated root authentication sessions to the given realm and client which was removed.
      realm - RealmModel Can't be null.
      client - ClientModel Can't be null.
    • updateNonlocalSessionAuthNotes

      void updateNonlocalSessionAuthNotes(AuthenticationSessionCompoundId compoundId, Map<String,String> authNotesFragment)
      Requests update of authNotes of a root authentication session that is not owned by this instance but might exist somewhere in the cluster.
      compoundId - AuthenticationSessionCompoundId The method has no effect if null.
      authNotesFragment - Map<String, String> Map with authNote values. Auth note is removed if the corresponding value in the map is null. Map itself can't be null.