Interface GroupResource

public interface GroupResource
$Revision: 1 $
Bill Burke
  • Method Details

    • setPermissions

      @PUT @Path("/management/permissions") @Consumes("application/json") @Produces("application/json") ManagementPermissionReference setPermissions(ManagementPermissionRepresentation status)
      Enables or disables the fine grain permissions feature. Returns the updated status of the server in the ManagementPermissionReference.
      status - status request to apply
      permission reference indicating the updated status
    • getPermissions

      @GET @Path("/management/permissions") @Produces("application/json") ManagementPermissionReference getPermissions()
      Returns indicator if the fine grain permissions are enabled or not.
      current representation of the permissions feature
    • toRepresentation

      @GET @Produces("application/json") GroupRepresentation toRepresentation()
      Does not expand hierarchy. Subgroups will not be set.
    • update

      @PUT @Consumes("application/json") void update(GroupRepresentation rep)
      Update group
      rep -
    • remove

      @DELETE void remove()
    • getSubGroups

      @GET @Path("children") @Produces("application/json") @Consumes("application/json") List<GroupRepresentation> getSubGroups(@QueryParam("first") Integer first, @QueryParam("max") Integer max, @QueryParam("briefRepresentation") Boolean briefRepresentation)
      Get the paginated list of subgroups belonging to this group.
      first - the position of the first result to be returned.
      max - the maximum number of results that are to be returned.
      briefRepresentation - if true, each returned subgroup representation will only contain basic information (id, name, path, and parentId). If false, the complete representations of the subgroups are returned (include role mappings and attributes).
    • getSubGroups

      @GET @Path("children") @Produces("application/json") @Consumes("application/json") List<GroupRepresentation> getSubGroups(@QueryParam("search") String search, @QueryParam("exact") Boolean exact, @QueryParam("first") Integer first, @QueryParam("max") Integer max, @QueryParam("briefRepresentation") Boolean briefRepresentation)
      Get the paginated list of subgroups belonging to this group, filtered according to the specified parameters.
      search - a String representing either an exact group name or a partial name. If empty or null then all subgroups of this group are returned. Parameter available since Keycloak server 25. Will be ignored on older Keycloak versions with the default value null.
      exact - if true, the subgroups will be searched using exact match for the search param. If false or null, the method returns all subgroups that partially match the specified name. Parameter available since Keycloak server 25. Will be ignored on older Keycloak versions with the default value null.
      first - the position of the first result to be returned.
      max - the maximum number of results that are to be returned.
      briefRepresentation - if true, each returned subgroup representation will only contain basic information (id, name, path, and parentId). If false, the complete representations of the subgroups are returned (including role mappings and attributes).
    • subGroup

      @POST @Path("children") @Produces("application/json") @Consumes("application/json") subGroup(GroupRepresentation rep)
      Set or create child. This will just set the parent if it exists. Create it and set the parent if the group doesn't exist.
      rep -
    • roles

      @Path("role-mappings") RoleMappingResource roles()
    • members

      @GET @Path("/members") @Produces("application/json") List<UserRepresentation> members()
      Get users

      Returns a list of all users in group.

      Returns a max size of 100 users
    • members

      @GET @Path("/members") @Produces("application/json") List<UserRepresentation> members(@QueryParam("first") Integer firstResult, @QueryParam("max") Integer maxResults)
      Get users

      Returns a list of users, filtered according to query parameters

      firstResult - Pagination offset
      maxResults - Pagination size
    • members

      @GET @Path("/members") @Produces("application/json") List<UserRepresentation> members(@QueryParam("first") Integer firstResult, @QueryParam("max") Integer maxResults, @QueryParam("briefRepresentation") Boolean briefRepresentation)
      Get users

      Returns a list of users, filtered according to query parameters

      firstResult - Pagination offset
      maxResults - Pagination size
      briefRepresentation - Only return basic information (only guaranteed to return id, username, created, first and last name, email, enabled state, email verification state, federation link, and access. Note that it means that namely user attributes, required actions, and not before are not returned.)