Interface UserProfileDecorator

All Known Implementing Classes:
KerberosFederationProvider, LDAPStorageProvider, SSSDFederationProvider, UserCacheSession, UserStorageManager

public interface UserProfileDecorator

This interface allows user storage providers to customize the user profile configuration and its attributes for realm on a per-user storage provider basis.

Pedro Igor
  • Method Details

    • decorateUserProfile

      List<AttributeMetadata> decorateUserProfile(String providerId, UserProfileMetadata metadata)

      Decorates user profile with additional metadata. For instance, metadata attributes, which are available just for your user-storage provider can be added there, so they are available just for the users coming from your provider.

      This method is invoked every time a user is being managed through a user profile provider.

      providerId - the id of the user storage provider to which the user is associated with
      metadata - the current UserProfileMetadata for the current realm
      a list of attribute metadata.The AttributeMetadata returned from this method overrides any other metadata already set in metadata for a given attribute.