Interface WellKnownProviderFactory

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
JWTVCIssuerWellKnownProviderFactory, OAuth2WellKnownProviderFactory, OID4VCIssuerWellKnownProviderFactory, OIDCWellKnownProviderFactory, UmaWellKnownProviderFactory

public interface WellKnownProviderFactory extends ProviderFactory<WellKnownProvider>
Stian Thorgersen
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default String
    Alias, which will be used as URL suffix of this well-known provider.
    default int
    Use low priority, so custom implementation with alias "openid-configuration" will win over the default implementation with alias "openid-configuration", which is provided by Keycloak (OIDCWellKnownProviderFactory).

    Methods inherited from interface org.keycloak.provider.ProviderFactory

    close, create, getConfigMetadata, getId, init, order, postInit
  • Method Details

    • getAlias

      default String getAlias()
      Alias, which will be used as URL suffix of this well-known provider. For example if you use alias like "openid-configuration", then your WellKnown provider might be available under URL like "https://myhost/auth/realms/myrealm/.well-known/openid-configuration". If there are multiple provider factories with same alias, the one with lowest priority will be used.
      See Also:
    • getPriority

      default int getPriority()
      Use low priority, so custom implementation with alias "openid-configuration" will win over the default implementation with alias "openid-configuration", which is provided by Keycloak (OIDCWellKnownProviderFactory).