Interface HostnameProvider

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public interface HostnameProvider extends Provider
The Hostname provider is used by Keycloak to decide URLs for frontend and backend requests. A provider can either base the URL on the request (Host header for example) or based on hard-coded URLs. Further, it is possible to have different URLs on frontend requests and backend requests. Note: Do NOT use KeycloakContext.getUri() within a Hostname provider. It will result in an infinite loop.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default void
    default String
    getContextPath( originalUriInfo)
    Returns the context-path for Keycloak This is useful when Keycloak is exposed on a different context-path on a reverse proxy.
    default String
    getContextPath( originalUriInfo, UrlType type)
    Returns the context-path for Keycloak.
    default String
    getHostname( originalUriInfo)
    Returns the host.
    default String
    getHostname( originalUriInfo, UrlType type)
    Returns the host.
    default int
    getPort( originalUriInfo)
    Returns the port (or -1 for default port).
    default int
    getPort( originalUriInfo, UrlType type)
    Returns the port (or -1 for default port).
    default String
    getScheme( originalUriInfo)
    Returns the URL scheme.
    default String
    getScheme( originalUriInfo, UrlType type)
    Returns the URL scheme.
  • Method Details

    • getScheme

      default String getScheme( originalUriInfo, UrlType type)
      Returns the URL scheme. If not implemented will delegate to getScheme(UriInfo).
      originalUriInfo - the original URI
      type - type of the request
      the schema
    • getScheme

      default String getScheme( originalUriInfo)
      Returns the URL scheme. If not implemented will get the scheme from the request.
      originalUriInfo - the original URI
      the schema
    • getHostname

      default String getHostname( originalUriInfo, UrlType type)
      Returns the host. If not implemented will delegate to getHostname(UriInfo).
      originalUriInfo - the original URI
      type - type of the request
      the host
    • getHostname

      default String getHostname( originalUriInfo)
      Returns the host. If not implemented will get the host from the request.
      originalUriInfo -
      the host
    • getPort

      default int getPort( originalUriInfo, UrlType type)
      Returns the port (or -1 for default port). If not implemented will delegate to getPort(UriInfo)
      originalUriInfo - the original URI
      type - type of the request
      the port
    • getPort

      default int getPort( originalUriInfo)
      Returns the port (or -1 for default port). If not implemented will get the port from the request.
      originalUriInfo - the original URI
      the port
    • getContextPath

      default String getContextPath( originalUriInfo, UrlType type)
      Returns the context-path for Keycloak. This is useful when Keycloak is exposed on a different context-path on a reverse proxy. If not implemented will delegate to getContextPath(UriInfo)
      originalUriInfo - the original URI
      type - type of the request
      the context-path
    • getContextPath

      default String getContextPath( originalUriInfo)
      Returns the context-path for Keycloak This is useful when Keycloak is exposed on a different context-path on a reverse proxy. If not implemented will use the context-path from the request, which by default is /auth
      originalUriInfo - the original URI
      the context-path
    • close

      default void close()
      Specified by:
      close in interface Provider