Class HttpResponseImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
HttpResponse, KeycloakTransaction

public class HttpResponseImpl extends Object implements HttpResponse, KeycloakTransaction
  • Constructor Details

    • HttpResponseImpl

      public HttpResponseImpl(KeycloakSession session, org.jboss.resteasy.spi.HttpResponse delegate)
  • Method Details

    • getStatus

      public int getStatus()
      Description copied from interface: HttpResponse
      Gets a status code.
      Specified by:
      getStatus in interface HttpResponse
    • setStatus

      public void setStatus(int statusCode)
      Description copied from interface: HttpResponse
      Sets a status code.
      Specified by:
      setStatus in interface HttpResponse
      statusCode - the status code
    • addHeader

      public void addHeader(String name, String value)
      Description copied from interface: HttpResponse
      Add a value to the current list of values for the header with the given name.
      Specified by:
      addHeader in interface HttpResponse
      name - the header name
      value - the header value
    • setHeader

      public void setHeader(String name, String value)
      Description copied from interface: HttpResponse
      Set a header. Any existing values will be replaced.
      Specified by:
      setHeader in interface HttpResponse
      name - the header name
      value - the header value
    • setCookieIfAbsent

      public void setCookieIfAbsent(HttpCookie cookie)
      Description copied from interface: HttpResponse
      Sets a new cookie only if not yet set.
      Specified by:
      setCookieIfAbsent in interface HttpResponse
      cookie - the cookie
    • setWriteCookiesOnTransactionComplete

      public void setWriteCookiesOnTransactionComplete()
      Description copied from interface: HttpResponse
      Adding cookies at the end of the transaction helps when retrying a transaction might add the cookie multiple times. In some scenarios it must not be added at the end of the transaction, as at that time the response has already been sent to the caller ("committed"), so the code needs to make a choice. As retrying transactions is the exception, adding cookies at the end of the transaction is also the exception and needs to be switched on where necessary.
      Specified by:
      setWriteCookiesOnTransactionComplete in interface HttpResponse
    • begin

      public void begin()
      Specified by:
      begin in interface KeycloakTransaction
    • commit

      public void commit()
      Specified by:
      commit in interface KeycloakTransaction
    • rollback

      public void rollback()
      Specified by:
      rollback in interface KeycloakTransaction
    • setRollbackOnly

      public void setRollbackOnly()
      Specified by:
      setRollbackOnly in interface KeycloakTransaction
    • getRollbackOnly

      public boolean getRollbackOnly()
      Specified by:
      getRollbackOnly in interface KeycloakTransaction
    • isActive

      public boolean isActive()
      Specified by:
      isActive in interface KeycloakTransaction