Class HttpRequestImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class HttpRequestImpl extends Object implements HttpRequest
  • Constructor Details

    • HttpRequestImpl

      public HttpRequestImpl(org.jboss.resteasy.spi.HttpRequest delegate)
  • Method Details

    • getHttpMethod

      public String getHttpMethod()
      Description copied from interface: HttpRequest
      Returns the HTTP method.
      Specified by:
      getHttpMethod in interface HttpRequest
      the HTTP method.
    • getDecodedFormParameters

      public<String,String> getDecodedFormParameters()
      Description copied from interface: HttpRequest

      Returns the form parameters (e.g.: media type application/x-www-form-urlencoded) as a MultivaluedMap where the key and its correspondent value maps to the parameter name and value, respectively.

      The values are already decoded using HTML form decoding.

      Specified by:
      getDecodedFormParameters in interface HttpRequest
      the decoded form parameters
    • getMultiPartFormParameters

      public<String,FormPartValue> getMultiPartFormParameters()
      Description copied from interface: HttpRequest
      Parses the parts from a multipart form request (e.g.: multipart/form-data media type).
      Specified by:
      getMultiPartFormParameters in interface HttpRequest
      the parts from a multipart form request
    • getHttpHeaders

      public getHttpHeaders()
      Description copied from interface: HttpRequest
      Returns the HTTP headers.
      Specified by:
      getHttpHeaders in interface HttpRequest
      the HTTP headers
    • getClientCertificateChain

      public X509Certificate[] getClientCertificateChain()
      Description copied from interface: HttpRequest
      Returns the client X509 certificate chain when processing TLS requests.
      Specified by:
      getClientCertificateChain in interface HttpRequest
      the client certificate chain
    • getUri

      public getUri()
      Description copied from interface: HttpRequest
      Returns a UriInfo instance for the path being requested.
      Specified by:
      getUri in interface HttpRequest
      the UriInfo for the current path