Class SessionAttributesUtils


public class SessionAttributesUtils extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • SessionAttributesUtils

      public SessionAttributesUtils()
  • Method Details

    • grabNewFactoryIdentifier

      public static int grabNewFactoryIdentifier()
      Returns a new unique counter across whole Keycloak instance
      unique number
    • createProviderIfAbsent

      public static <T extends Provider> T createProviderIfAbsent(KeycloakSession session, int factoryIdentifier, Class<T> providerClass, Function<KeycloakSession,T> createNew)
      Used for creating a provider instance only once within one KeycloakSession.

      Checks whether there already exists a provider withing session attributes for given providerClass and factoryIdentifier. If exists returns existing provider, otherwise creates a new instance using createNew function.

      Type Parameters:
      T - type of the provider
      session - current Keycloak session
      factoryIdentifier - unique factory identifier. grabNewFactoryIdentifier() can be used for obtaining new identifiers.
      providerClass - class of the requested provider
      createNew - function that creates a new instance of the provider
      an instance of the provider either from session attributes or freshly created.
    • createMapStorageIfAbsent

      public static <V extends AbstractEntity & UpdatableEntity, M, T extends MapStorage<V, M>> T createMapStorageIfAbsent(KeycloakSession session, Class<? extends MapStorageProvider> providerType, Class<M> modelType, int factoryId, Supplier<T> createNew)
      Used for creating a store instance only once within one KeycloakSession.

      Checks whether there already is a store within session attributes for given providerClass, modelType and factoryIdentifier. If exists returns existing provider, otherwise creates a new instance using createNew supplier.

      Type Parameters:
      V - entity type
      M - model type
      T - store type
      session - current Keycloak session
      providerType - map storage provider class
      modelType - model class. Can be null if the store is the same for all models.
      factoryId - unique factory identifier. grabNewFactoryIdentifier() can be used for obtaining new identifiers.
      createNew - supplier that creates a new instance of the store
      an instance of the store either from session attributes or freshly created.