Class MapResourceServerAdapter

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MapResourceServerAdapter extends AbstractResourceServerModel<MapResourceServerEntity>
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getId

      public String getId()
      Description copied from interface: ResourceServer
      Returns the unique identifier for this instance.
      the unique identifier for this instance
    • isAllowRemoteResourceManagement

      public boolean isAllowRemoteResourceManagement()
      Description copied from interface: ResourceServer
      Indicates if the resource server is allowed to manage its own resources remotely using the Protection API.
      true if the resource server is allowed to managed them remotely
    • setAllowRemoteResourceManagement

      public void setAllowRemoteResourceManagement(boolean allowRemoteResourceManagement)
      Description copied from interface: ResourceServer
      Indicates if the resource server is allowed to manage its own resources remotely using the Protection API.
      allowRemoteResourceManagement - true if the resource server is allowed to managed them remotely
    • getPolicyEnforcementMode

      public PolicyEnforcementMode getPolicyEnforcementMode()
      Description copied from interface: ResourceServer
      Returns the PolicyEnforcementMode configured for this instance.
      the PolicyEnforcementMode configured for this instance.
    • setPolicyEnforcementMode

      public void setPolicyEnforcementMode(PolicyEnforcementMode enforcementMode)
      Description copied from interface: ResourceServer
      Defines a PolicyEnforcementMode for this instance.
      enforcementMode - one of the available options in PolicyEnforcementMode
    • setDecisionStrategy

      public void setDecisionStrategy(DecisionStrategy decisionStrategy)
      Description copied from interface: ResourceServer
      Defines a DecisionStrategy for this instance, indicating how permissions should be granted depending on the given decisionStrategy.
      decisionStrategy - the decision strategy
    • getDecisionStrategy

      public DecisionStrategy getDecisionStrategy()
      Description copied from interface: ResourceServer
      Returns the DecisionStrategy configured for this instance.
      the decision strategy
    • getClientId

      public String getClientId()
      Description copied from interface: ResourceServer
      Returns id of a client that this ResourceServer is associated with
      id of client
    • getRealm

      public RealmModel getRealm()
      Description copied from interface: ResourceServer
      Returns reference of a realm that this ResourceServer belongs to.
      reference of a realm
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object