Interface ClientLookupProvider

    • Method Detail

      • getClientById

        ClientModel getClientById​(RealmModel realm,
                                  String id)
        Exact search for a client by its internal ID.
        realm - Realm to limit the search.
        id - Internal ID
        Model of the client, or null if no client is found.
      • getClientByClientId

        ClientModel getClientByClientId​(RealmModel realm,
                                        String clientId)
        Exact search for a client by its public client identifier.
        realm - Realm to limit the search for clients.
        clientId - String that identifies the client to the external parties. Maps to client_id in OIDC or entityID in SAML.
        Model of the client, or null if no client is found.
      • searchClientsByClientIdStream

        Stream<ClientModel> searchClientsByClientIdStream​(RealmModel realm,
                                                          String clientId,
                                                          Integer firstResult,
                                                          Integer maxResults)
        Case-insensitive search for clients that contain the given string in their public client identifier.
        realm - Realm to limit the search for clients.
        clientId - Searched substring of the public client identifier (client_id in OIDC or entityID in SAML.)
        firstResult - First result to return. Ignored if negative or null.
        maxResults - Maximum number of results to return. Ignored if negative or null.
        Stream of ClientModel or an empty stream if no client is found. Never returns null.
      • getClientScopes

        Map<String,​ClientScopeModel> getClientScopes​(RealmModel realm,
                                                           ClientModel client,
                                                           boolean defaultScopes)
        Return all default scopes (if defaultScope is true) or all optional scopes (if defaultScope is false) linked with the client
        realm - Realm
        client - Client
        defaultScopes - if true default scopes, if false optional scopes, are returned
        map where key is the name of the clientScope, value is particular clientScope. Returns empty map if no scopes linked (never returns null).