AbstractOIDCProtocolMapper |
AbstractPairwiseSubMapper |
Set the 'sub' claim to pairwise .
AcrProtocolMapper |
AddressMapper |
AllowedWebOriginsProtocolMapper |
Protocol mapper to add allowed web origins to the access token to the 'allowed-origins' claim
AudienceProtocolMapper |
AudienceResolveProtocolMapper |
Protocol mapper, which adds all client_ids of "allowed" clients to the audience field of the token.
ClaimsParameterTokenMapper |
ClaimsParameterWithValueIdTokenMapper |
DeployedScriptOIDCProtocolMapper |
FullNameMapper |
Set the 'name' claim to be first + last name.
GroupMembershipMapper |
Maps user group membership
HardcodedClaim |
HardcodedRole |
Add a role to a token
OIDCAttributeMapperHelper |
PairwiseSubMapperHelper |
RoleNameMapper |
Map an assigned role to a different position and name in the token
ScriptBasedOIDCProtocolMapper |
OIDC ProtocolMapper that uses a provided JavaScript fragment to compute the token claim value.
SHA256PairwiseSubMapper |
UserAttributeMapper |
Mappings UserModel.attribute to an ID Token claim.
UserClientRoleMappingMapper |
Allows mapping of user client role mappings to an ID and Access Token claim.
UserPropertyMapper |
Mappings UserModel property (the property name of a getter method) to an ID Token claim.
UserRealmRoleMappingMapper |
Allows mapping of user realm role mappings to an ID and Access Token claim.
UserSessionNoteMapper |
Mappings UserSessionModel.note to an ID Token claim.