Interface MapJpaUpdaterProvider

    • Method Detail

      • update

        void update​(Class<?> modelType,
                    Connection connection,
                    String defaultSchema)
        Updates the Keycloak database for the given model type
        modelType - Model type
        connection - DB connection
        defaultSchema - DB connection
      • validate

        MapJpaUpdaterProvider.Status validate​(Class<?> modelType,
                                              Connection connection,
                                              String defaultSchema)
        Checks whether Keycloak database for the given model type is up to date with the most recent changesets
        modelType - Model type
        connection - DB connection
        defaultSchema - DB schema to use
      • export

        void export​(Class<?> modelType,
                    Connection connection,
                    String defaultSchema,
                    File file)
        Exports the SQL update script for the given model type into the given File.
        modelType - Model type
        connection - DB connection
        defaultSchema - DB schema to use
        file - File to write to
      • getDatabaseShortName

        String getDatabaseShortName()
        Returns an all-lower-case short name of the used database.