Class PermissionResource

  • public class PermissionResource
    extends Object
    An entry point for managing permission tickets using the Protection API.
    Pedro Igor
    • Method Detail

      • create

        public PermissionResponse create​(PermissionRequest request)
        Creates a new permission ticket for a single resource and scope(s).
        request - the PermissionRequest representing the resource and scope(s) (not null)
        a permission response holding a permission ticket with the requested permissions
      • create

        public PermissionResponse create​(List<PermissionRequest> requests)
        Creates a new permission ticket for a set of one or more resource and scope(s).
        requests - the PermissionRequest representing the resource and scope(s) (not null)
        a permission response holding a permission ticket with the requested permissions
      • findByScope

        public List<PermissionTicketRepresentation> findByScope​(String scopeId)
        Query the server for any permission ticket associated with the given scopeId.
        scopeId - the scope id (not null)
        a list of permission tickets associated with the given scopeId
      • findByResource

        public List<PermissionTicketRepresentation> findByResource​(String resourceId)
        Query the server for any permission ticket associated with the given resourceId.
        resourceId - the resource id (not null)
        a list of permission tickets associated with the given resourceId
      • find

        public List<PermissionTicketRepresentation> find​(String resourceId,
                                                         String scopeId,
                                                         String owner,
                                                         String requester,
                                                         Boolean granted,
                                                         Boolean returnNames,
                                                         Integer firstResult,
                                                         Integer maxResult)
        Query the server for any permission ticket with the matching arguments.
        resourceId - the resource id or name
        scopeId - the scope id or name
        owner - the owner id or name
        requester - the requester id or name
        granted - if true, only permission tickets marked as granted are returned.
        returnNames - if the response should include names for resource, scope and owner
        firstResult - the position of the first resource to retrieve
        maxResult - the maximum number of resources to retrieve
        a list of permission tickets with the matching arguments
      • delete

        public void delete​(String ticketId)
        Deletes a permission ticket by ID.
        ticketId - the permission ticket ID