Keycloak 26.1.3 released

February 28 2025

To download the release go to Keycloak downloads.


Send Reset Email force login again for federated users after reset credentials

In version 26.1.1 a new configuration option was added to the reset-credential-email (Send Reset Email) authenticator to allow changing the default behavior after the reset credentials flow. Now the option force-login (Force login after reset) is adding a third configuration value only-federated, which means that the force login is true for federated users and false for the internal database users. The new behavior is now the default. This way all users managed by user federation providers, whose implementation can be not so tightly integrated with Keycloak, are forced to login again after the reset credentials flow to avoid any issue. This change in behavior is due to the secure by default policy.

For more information, see Enable forgot password.


Before upgrading refer to the migration guide for a complete list of changes.

All resolved issues
