Meet Keycloak at FOSDEM 2025 in February!

January 08 2025 by Alexander Schwartz

FOSDEM is a free event for software developers to meet, share ideas and collaborate. Every year, thousands of developers of free and open source software from all over the world gather at the event. Those staying home will be able to watch the live stream of the talks and ask questions online.

Members of the Keycloak project will be on-site like last year, and there will be talks from both the Keycloak community and the Keycloak team. See below for places to meet other Keycloak enthusiasts, and which talks will relate to Keycloak.


While FOSDEM is organized around talks, it is also a great place to meet people in real life that you previously knew only from online, and make new friends. With thousands of people at the event, it is good to have a place for a meet-and-greet.

Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Stand

A lot of organizations and projects will have a stand at FOSDEM. With Keycloak being a CNCF project, we will be sharing a time slot at their stand. You’ll be able to meet Keycloak maintainers at the CNCF stand on Saturday, February 1st, from 16:00–17:30 h. As our time slot might change, please come back here on the day of the event and double-check!

Linux Foundation side event & drinks! (Sat Feb 01, 18:00–20:00 h)

As part of the events happening around FOSDEM, also called FOSDEM Fringe, the Linux foundation invites you for a drink. A free registration is required to join. UPDATE: It is currently fully booked and there is a waiting list.

FOSDEM is all about devrooms!

FOSDEM is a big event divided into smaller, single-track conferences with their own call for papers and organizers. Here a short list of those dev rooms that might be of interest for you if you are into Keycloak:

Identity and Access Management Devroom (Sun Feb 02, 09:00–17:00 h)

Identity and Access Management Devroom is related to operating systems' identity and access management in the free software and open source world.

Expect talks about identity federation, integrating identity management into the operating system, Kerberos, and last but not the least OpenID Connect. There are several Keycloak talks happening in this dev room, so make sure to tune in!

Security Devroom (Sat Feb 01, 10:30–19:00 h)

The Security Devroom covers everything that is relevant to security in the free software and open source world. Talks cover topics like cryptography, supply chain, secure development and hardening.

Digital Wallets and Verifiable Credentials Devroom (Sun Feb 02, 10:30–12:30 h)

The Digital Wallets and Verifiable Credentials DevRoom is about digital wallets, verifiable credentials and the ecosystems emerging from these subjects, especially in the EU.

No talk is related to Keycloak itself, still interesting for those who are following the Keycloak OIDC Special Interest Group's activities around verifiable credentials.

See below a list of all Keycloak related talks. When you watch them live, you will be able to ask questions in the chat. All talks have been recorded are now available on-line to re-watch!

We hope to see a lot of you either online or on site in Brussels at FOSDEM!