Survey on Keycloak Realm Configuration Management Tools

June 25 2024 by Thomas Darimont

Numerous options exist for managing Keycloak Realm configurations within the Keycloak ecosystem. We know that configuration as code is an essential topic for DevOps and that the Keycloak ecosystem needs an excellent solution to make this possible.

As the Keycloak team, we want to understand better what works best for the community and how we can improve the support for Realm configuration Management tools.

So that we in the Keycloak community have a representative picture of the configuration options used, we would also like you to participate in the following brief, anonymous survey.

The options that exist on our radar are as follows:

Join the related discussion on GitHub to discuss this in more details with the Keycloak community. And don’t forget to fill out the survey!

Thank you very much for your support!