Support for Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM) and Multi-tenancy

June 20 2024 by Pedro Igor

Dear Keycloak community,

Thanks to the collaborative work with a lot of folks from the community and Red Hat’s IT, we are delivering in Keycloak 25 the Keycloak Organizations feature.

We are pleased to announce the beginning of a long journey to support Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM) and, to some degree, also support for multi-tenancy when a realm needs to integrate with third parties such as customers and business partners.

Keycloak Organizations is a feature that leverages the existing Identity and Access Management (IAM) capabilities of Keycloak to address CIAM uses cases like Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Business-to-Customer (B2B2C) integrations. By leveraging the existing capabilities available from a realm, the first release of this feature provides the very core capabilities to allow a realm to integrate with business partners and customers:

The feature is being delivered initially as a technology preview feature with the ultimate goal to make it supported in Keycloak 26. There are many more capabilities in the roadmap for this feature, and we consider this initial set of capabilities the very core of the feature that will allow us to build more capabilities on top. For this reason, your feedback is very important to make sure we are on the right path for solving real use cases around CIAM.

Please, consider checking our nightly builds as well to check for the latest updates and what is coming in the next major release.

For more details about the feature, consider reading the documentation available at the official documentation.

Getting started

The Keycloak Organizations feature introduces changes on how users authenticate to a realm to identify whether a user is authenticating in the scope of an organization or the realm.

One of the key changes introduced by the feature in terms of authentication is the introduction of an identity-fist login flow whenever you are authenticating to a realm that has the Organizations setting enabled.

Start Keycloak

The Keycloak Organization feature is a technology preview feature that needs to be enabled when starting (or building an optimized image of) the server:

docker run --name kc-orgs -d -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=admin -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin -p 8080:8080 start-dev --features organization

Once you run the command above, make sure you can access the server at http://localhost:8080/ and log in into the administration console using the following credentials:

  • Username: admin

  • Password: admin

Create a realm

Let us start by creating a new realm called orgdemo. The orgdemo realm is a first-party company that wants to integrate with third-parties, the organizations, so that their users can have access to protected resources served by client applications available at the orgdemo realm.

For that, create a new realm using orgdemo as the name via the administration console.

Create users in the orgdemo realm

You also need some users in the orgdemo realm to authenticate and follow the next steps.

The mjane user is a realm user that has an email account that does not match any organization in the realm. We will use this user to represent an existing realm user in the orgdemo realm that is not associated with any organization. For that, create a user as the following:

  • Username: mjane

  • Email:

  • First Name: Mary

  • Last Name: Jane

Make sure to set a password for this user so that you can authenticate to the realm.

Now, create the user. This user will act as an existing realm user that has an email that matches one of the domains set to an organization but is not yet a member of the organization. This user could have been created through self-registration, or by integrating with a custom identity store, or even federated from an identity provider available from the realm:

  • Username: alice

  • Email:

  • First Name: Alice

  • Last Name: Chains

Make sure to set a password for this user so that you can authenticate to the realm.

Understanding the changes to authentication flows when the feature is enabled

When a realm is created, the authentication flows are automatically updated to enable specific steps to authenticate and onboard organization members. The authentication flows updated are:

  • browser

  • first broker login

The main change to the browser flow is that it defaults to an identity-first login so that users are identified before prompting for their credentials. In regard to the first broker login flow, the main change there is to automatically add the user as an organization member once they authenticate through the identity provider associated with an organization and successfuly complete flow.

The decision to whether an identity-first login should happen is based on the availability of any organization in a realm. If no organizations exist yet, the user will follow the usual steps to authenticate using both username and password, or any other step configured to the browser flow.

Try reaching http://localhost:8080/realms/orgdemo/account and you’ll see the usual login page. From this page, you can authenticate as usual to the realm using the following credentials:

  • Username: mjane

  • Password: <password>

Once you submit the login form, you are authenticated to the realm and automatically redirected to the client application acting on behalf of the user. In this case, the account console.

Authenticating to a realm when there are organizations

Now, let us create an organization in the orgademo realm. For that, we need to enable organizations to the realm by navigating to the Realm Settings page and enabling the Organizations setting.

Once you enable organizations, you can click on the Organizations section in the menu. Click the Create organization button to create a new organization as follows:

  • Name: OrgA Inc

  • Domains:

Once the orga organization is created, sign out from the client application and try to log in again. At this time, you should be present with the identity-first login page.

Differently than the previous attempt, the orgdemo realm has an organization and the authentication flow changed to first identify the user before prompting for any credentials.

At the identity-first login page you can still authenticate as the mjane user. However, the user will now authenticate in two steps. The first step will ask for the username or email only, and then provide the password in a second step.

Trying to authenticate as a user that does not exist using an email domain that matches an organization

Try to log in again to http://localhost:8080/realms/orgdemo/account/ and type There is no account associated with that email in the orgdemo realm.

If a user that does not exist tries to authenticate using an email domain that matches an organization domain, the identity-first login page will be shown again and indicate that the username provided is not valid. At this point, there is no reason to ask the user for credentials in a second step.

There are several ways to register the user so that he can authenticate to the orgdemo realm and eventually join the orga organization.

If the realm has the self-registration setting enabled, the user can click on the Register link at the identity-first login page and create an account at the orgdemo realm. After that, the administrator can send an invitation link to the user or manually add him as a member of the orga organization.

If the organization has an identity provider without a domain set, and they are marked as public, they can also click on the identity provider link at the identity-first login page to automatically create an account and join the orga organization once they authenticate through the identity provider.

Similar to the above, if the organization has an identity provider set with one of the organization domains, the user will be automatically redirected to the identity provider to authenticate and automatically create an account and join the orga organization once the flow is completed.

Look at the official documentation for more details.

Authenticating as an existing user using an email domain that matches an organization

Try to log in again to http://localhost:8080/realms/orgdemo/account/ and type

Differently than before, the user is now presented with the second step to provide the credentials. Given that the user exists in the orgdemo realm, it should be possible to authenticate even though the user is not yet a member of the organization.

As an administrator, you can later choose to invite the user to join an organization or manually add it to an organization.

Authenticating as an existing user using an email domain that matches the domain set to an identity provider associated with an organization

The feature allows you to set a domain to an identity provider associated with an organization. This is useful when you want to make sure that users using a specific email domain always authenticate through the identity provider.

Let us create a orga realm to federate users from it using an identity provider at the orgdemo realm, where the identity provider will be associated to the orga organization.

Once you create the orga realm, create a OpenID Connect client at this realm as follows:

  • Client type: OpenID Connect

  • Client ID: orgdemo-broker

  • Client authentication: ON

  • Valid redirect URIs: * (using * for the sake of simplicity, don’t use in production)

Create a user now so that we can federate this user later using an identity provider from the orgdemo realm:

  • Username: jdoe

  • Email:

  • First Name: John

  • Last Name: Doe

Make sure to set a password for this user so that you can authenticate to the realm.

Let us now create an OpenID Connect Identity Provider at the orgdemo realm as follows:

  • Alias: orga-broker

  • Display name: OrgA Inc.

  • Discovery endpoint: http://localhost:8080/realms/orga/.well-known/openid-configuration

  • Client ID: orgdemo-broker

  • Client Secret: <credentials generated when you created the orgdemo-broker client in orga realm>

For last, let us associate the identity provider we just created in orgdemo realm and link it with the orga organization. For that, click on the Organizations section in the menu and select the OrgA Inc organization. Navigate to the Identity Providers tab and click the Link identity provider button and provide the following settings:

  • Identity provider: orga-broker

  • Domain:

  • Redirect when email domain matches: ON

Try to log in again to http://localhost:8080/realms/orgdemo/account/ and type The user is now automatically redirected to the orga realm to authenticate.

When a user that does not exist yet in the realm tries to authenticate using an email domain that matches an organization domain, and that domain is also set to the identity provider associated with the organization, the user is automatically redirected to the identity provider.

By doing this, you can now authenticate at the orga realm using the following credentials:

  • Username:

  • Password: <password>

Once the user completes the authentication, it will be automatically redirected back to the orgdemo realm to create an account and automatically join the orga organization.

The same is true if you re-authenticate as the user. However, this time the user is already linked with the identity provider and will always authenticate through the identity provider.

Using organization metadata in bearer tokens to access protected resources from the clients in a realm

So far, we have been using the account console client at the orgdemo realm to authenticate the user. As an OpenID Connect client, an access token is issued as a result of a successful authentication.

When authenticating in the context of an organization, the access token is automatically updated with specific claims about the organization the user is a member.

To map organization-specific claims into tokens, a client needs to request the organization scope when sending authorization requests to the server.

As a result, the token will contain a claim as follows:

"organization": {
    "orga": {}

The organization claim can be used by clients (e.g.: from ID Tokens) and resource servers (e.g.: from access tokens) to authorize access to protected resources based on the organization that a user belongs to.

The organization scope is a built-in optional client scope at the realm. As such, it is added to any client created in the realm, by default.