#16373 Remove invalid property from Operator properties keycloak dist/quarkus
#16420 Support runnning tests using an embedded distribution keycloak
#16529 Move Admin UI custom REST endpoints to main repository keycloak
#16616 Make lockTimeout better configurable in JpaMapStorageProviderFactory keycloak storage
#16676 Create basic read-only file store keycloak storage
#16690 Make LockAcquiringTimeoutException a runtime exception keycloak storage
#16751 Do not enable caching metrics by default and provide a guide keycloak
#16807 KeycloakIngress (controller) should configure edge TLS when back-end protocol is HTTP keycloak operator
#16892 Update proxy guide with information about session stickness keycloak docs
#16921 Recovery codes input error not displayed in the standardized way keycloak
#16962 Make it possible to run the embedded distribution in FIPS mode keycloak
#17133 Apply documentation standards to Getting Started Guides keycloak
#17134 Create an SPI for DeviceActivityManager keycloak
#17865 Add "Encryption algorithm" option of SAML IDP keycloak admin/ui
#17935 Update message for 'Valid Post Logout Redirect URIs' client option keycloak admin/ui
#18080 Testing running on release branches keycloak admin/ui
#8833 Performing an external-to-internal token exchange with an ID token with provider mappers enabled results in `unknown_error`. keycloak token-exchange
#8958 NullPointerException when editing a sub flow without a description keycloak authentication
#9003 Documentation Error: User Storage SPI: CredentialInputValidator keycloak core
#9345 Can't join a node under certain conditions keycloak admin/api
#9771 Hard-coded signature algorithm in token verification keycloak oidc
#9991 required action terms_and_conditions is not imported keycloak import-export
#10668 Kerberos User Federation creates a user that does not exist keycloak ldap
#10672 Kerberos User Federation creates a user that does not exist when username including "//" keycloak ldap
#10755 Replace operation set wrong lifespan in remote infinispan database and leads to session eviction keycloak storage
#10958 Client ID in LDAP Mappers User Federation doesn't align with Rename Client ID keycloak ldap
#11608 Realm password policy regex does not work keycloak authentication
#11627 New cluster joiners hang while trying to preload remote sessions (not offline) keycloak storage
#11726 Conflicting data returned for /users/id and /users endpoints when user is temporarily locked keycloak admin/api
#11783 Timeout when waiting for 3rd party check iframe message. keycloak adapter/javascript
#12039 Account console doesn't show the currently logged in user keycloak account/ui
#12053 [SAML Broker] BadPaddingException because Keycloak uses signing key pair for decryption keycloak saml
#12523 DELETE user api uses inefficient SQL queries while deleting data from OFFLINE_CLIENT_SESSION keycloak storage
#12567 SQLGrammarException would occur if a user doesn't belong to any groups keycloak storage
#12618 Role name containing ";"(semicolon) leads "Resource not found..." error in the admin console keycloak admin/api
#12649 GET /{realm}/users/{id}/groups ignores 'search' query parameter keycloak admin/api
#12819 Inconsistent behavior of group attribute caching keycloak storage
#13063 Setting hostname-admin=localhost redirects to keycloak.example.com keycloak dist/quarkus
#13089 Infinispan/TCPPING does not span the cluster over all specified nodes keycloak dist/quarkus
#13114 Reencrypt proxy ignored with new operator keycloak operator
#13122 Deleting Users in Keycloak Cluster with 3 or more Nodes is not possible keycloak dist/quarkus
#13148 keycloak(behind nginx) .well-known/openid-configuration path not return correct token or jwt url(custom port loss) keycloak dist/quarkus
#13157 Response_mode not setup on request when using keycloak Java client keycloak authorization-services
#13210 JPA Map Storage with CRDB: ConcurrentLoginTest failures keycloak storage
#13236 Username is removed when updating service account with empty/null email when declarative user profile and registrationEmailAsUsername is enabled keycloak user-profile
#13340 Performance Issues with many offline sessions keycloak storage
#15571 Keycloak 20.0 - Build Configurations not applied? KC_FEATURES=token-exchange keycloak
#15607 JDK 17 InaccessibleObjectException with infinispan keycloak storage
#15608 Keycloak wrongly assumes that the default datasource is the first one keycloak dist/quarkus
#15614 Fix update of group mappers on certain changes of the group path keycloak
#15656 Password change sometimes triggers error keycloak core
#15668 User Profile: Editing the username attribute adds empty permissions keycloak user-profile
#15685 Search by group attributes might break on OracleDB keycloak storage
#15687 IdentityProviderModel from third party packages are ignored keycloak identity-brokering
#15699 Unique constraints should use attribute value hash instead of the value itself keycloak storage
#15701 Unable to run map-storage-jpa tests with custom Postgres image keycloak testsuite
#15712 Keycloak won't start due to Unsupported database file version or invalid file header in file "/var/lib/keycloak/data/h2/keycloakdb.mv.db" [90048-214] keycloak core
#15894 Sign in to your account with SAML integration resulting in "Unexpected error when authenticating with identity provider" and no error found on logs. keycloak saml
#16642 Database migrations are not transactional keycloak storage
#16649 Fixing OfflineSessionPersistenceTest in Quarkus3 branch keycloak storage
#16657 Flaky test: org.keycloak.common.ProfileTest#enablePreviewWithPropertiesFile & #configWithPropertiesFile keycloak ci
#16658 Label for "Review Profile config" modal is not displayed properly in new admin console keycloak admin/api
#16669 Flaky test: org.keycloak.testsuite.ui.account2.WelcomeScreenTest#resourcesTest keycloak ci
#16679 Update Email Action does not properly update username if username=email is active keycloak authentication
#16684 cannot open admin console after upgrade to 20.0.3 keycloak admin/ui
#16693 Hibernate 6 referencing m:n association from both entities with both `joinColumns` and `inverseJoinColumns` causes interference keycloak storage
#16705 Snyk Workflow failing due to the usage of the same category on multiple sections keycloak ci
#16711 SAML tests in quarkus3 branch failing due to missing SAAJ factory keycloak testsuite
#16721 Failing tests due to outdated X509Certificate request attribute name keycloak testsuite
#16727 Keycloak 20.0.3 container does not support Java 17 keycloak dist/quarkus
#16743 ArtifactBindingTest fails on quarkus 3 branch with ClassNotFoundException keycloak testsuite